TWENTY ; soft moments

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soft moments

"Hurry up, Gilbert!"

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"Hurry up, Gilbert!"

Gilbert dragged his feet Dramatically behind Syd as she tried to pull him faster towards the town hall.

Syd huffed, getting increasingly frustrated at Gilbert but he only grinned and tried to control his chuckles at what he thought was the cutest pout he'd ever seen.

"You're doing this on purpose!"

"I don't know what you're talking about, Sydney." Gilbert laughed, grabbing ahold of Sydney's arm from where she had them crossed in front of her and started pulling her towards the building.

"We already missed most of rehearsal just to go to stupid Charlotte Town, and I have to practice my songs!" Syd sped up their pace, shimmying Gilbert's hand from her wrist down to her hand to control their speed easier.

"Stupid, hm?" No matter how determined Syd was to get to the town hall, Gilbert was still considerably stronger than her and easily forced them to a stop, just a few yards away from the entrance.

The sudden stop made Syd's entire body clash and collide with Gilbert's. The collision made her bounce back a bit but she still felt she wasn't able to breath from their proximity.

Gilbert's warm breath fanned her cheek and his hand stayed tightly wrapped around Syd's as he spoke as if Sydney wasn't literally about to start foaming at the mouth. "So you're telling me you didn't enjoy our little trip down memory lane?" He smiled in an almost teasing way to Sydney, his head titlting to the side and downward to look at her through his eyelashes.

God, since when was it deemed okay for someone to have such heartbreaking eyes?

To say Syd was having a difficult time not looking down at her 'friend's' lips would be the understatement of the year.

Instead, the blonde haired girl looked further down at Gilbert and her's hands clasped together tightly. When Gilbert followed her gaze, he tightened his grip and at the same time tightened the hold he had on Syd's heart.

"I didn't say that..." Syd said sheepishly, not taking her eyes off their hands.


Their little bubble popped as Moody's voice cut through their soft moment like a knife.

Sighing, Gilbert pulled away from his girl to avoid any awkward questions from the boys and turned to see Moody peaking his head out and waving.

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