Chapter one

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I'm so embarrassed. This is my first wattpad story please do not roast me 🤞

Y/N - your name
N/N - nickname

This story goes by she/her, so I apologize

Also I type really fast so sometimes I dont catch mistakes


"What do you mean what?." My mother looked at your surprised, and rather scared face from the drivers seat. "I believe a summer camp could really help you." You sat back in the cars leather seat and crossed your arms.

"Uh huh." You said back looking at the passing scenery from the car window. Your mother sighed.

"Listen. N/N. The entire school year you barely talked to anyone, I'm afraid you're not happy." No fucking shit Sherlock. You thought to yourself. The past year things had been going quite bad for you, you had switched schools right before your 9th grade year. You were absolutely torn that you had to leave all your friends all for the sake of your old stepdad. What happened with that man had been an absolute catastrophe but you try not to think about it. "N/N! Are you listening??" Your mother questioned from the other seat. You flinch a little at her tone. She looks at you sternly. "Y/N. I know. I know this year has been shit but I just am trying to help you get a bit better from everything that happened...Back then..." you look down at your hands

"I know. I just...I'm scared." You said in almost a whisper tone. She smiles a little and puts one of her hands on your shoulder while she used the other to steer. "It will be fine I promise you." You smile at Her and continue watching out the window as you headed back home. Maybe you could give summer camp a shot.

Time Skip to after the car ride ~~~

Apparently your mother explained you would be going to an art camp for the summer, I mean, I'm sure it wouldn't be that bad, you thought. You were extremely talented in the field of art. You walked to your room and almost threw yourself on your bed. You were leaving the next day. It was around 8 pm at this time. You turned over in your bed and faced the ceiling. You inhaled deeply and pulled yourself to stand up and start packing. You grab your school bag, which was honestly pretty big, and set in on your bedroom floor. You packed quite a few outfits, along with a sketchbook, your pencils and pens, you would be at art camp so why not ?. After packing some hygiene products and other essentials you stretched and fell back onto your bed. The springs squeaked slightly. You watched the ceiling for a while, with your mind talking to you, and within a few minutes you ended up falling asleep.

The next morning ~~~

You woke up at around 7 am by your mother calling for you. You groaned and sat up sleepily. Sweet, you didn't have a nightmare last night. You smile to yourself and glance around your room, you couldn't believe you had to leave it completely for 3 whole months. You figure your mom was probably going to get ready to check to see if you were getting dressed so you get up from your bed tiredly and stretch. You walk to your dresser and pick out a flashy outfit, why not try to make a good first impression ? You change and walk into the living room. Your mother was there waiting for you. "AWW! Look at you, I can't believe I won't be able to see you for 3 months ! What have I done ?!" She cries and hugs you. You go stiff as she does so. You don't hate your mom but physical affection from her makes you uncomfortable, you couldn't explain why, it's just the way you were. She releases you and you smile at her.

"Don't worry, I'll be back soon." You say cheerfully. Truly you were absolutely terrified, being around people you don't know gave you incredible anxiety, just thinking about it made you want to not go, but of course you had to.

"You have everything??" She asked

"Yessss motherrrrr" you sighed.

"Toothbrush?!?!l Underwear?!?!" She questioned. Your face was dusted with a bit of red

[DISCONTINUED] a lame ass summercamp ~ Camp Camp Max x reader Where stories live. Discover now