Chapter Four

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Suddenly david popped his head in your tent.

"Morning Y/N! And max. It's time to get ready for the day!" He said waving his arms. "I expect to see you both in the mess hall soon!" David then very happily walked out of the tent. You looked down to see max almost alseep.

"Max?" You said slightly poking him.

"Ugh I fucking hate this camp." He suddenly spoke and stood up to collect his hoodie and some Jeans. You stayed sitting on his cot.

"What are you looking at, you gonna let me get dressed??" You were surprised by his sudden mood swing.

"Y-yeah. Sorry." You walked out of the tent quickly so you wouldnt have to hear him complain again.

Max's POV

What was I fucking thinking?? I cant believe I opened up that easy to her. God I literally just met her yesterday. I hope she doesnt tell anyone about that...

I put on my hoodie and change my pants.

I'm max for fucks sake. I hate everyone and everyone hates me. Shes probably just acting nice so she can blackmail me. Yeah. That's it. Well two can play at that game.

2nd person POV

Max steps out of the tent.

"There." He says coldly. You are a bit surprised at how mean hes acting after last night. You thought Maybe you could be friends. You step in the tent, pick an outfit and start to change. The idea of max acting so coldly towards you kind of upset you. Even though you'd only known him a day he really seemed to grow on you. You walked to the mess hall and grabbed some nasty camp food. You saw max, nikki and Neil sitting at the same table as yesterday. You slowly approached them.

"Hey Y/N!" Nikki greeted. You just smile at her and sit next to max hesitantly. He seems to be a little distracted. You softly tap his shoulder. He snaps his head towards you.

"You okay??" You speak softly. He glares at you. What did you do wrong???

"Y/N. I need to talk to you for a moment." He says while standing up and grabbing your wrist. You yelp a bit as he pulls you outside the mess hall with a very confused Neil and Nikki looking at you both.

"What do you want??" You said rubbing your wrists. He was a lot stronger than he looked. He turned around to face you.

"I need you to help me."

"With what??" You questioned.

"Oh I dont know... stealing pudding cups." He smirked. You gasped.

"Absolutely not!! What if we get caught?!?! Its only my second fucking day!" He just grins at your annoyance.

"Oh but I'm afraid if you dont I'll tell all the campers that you're scared of the dark."

You froze. He did not just threaten to blackmail you. If people found out about'd never hear the end of it.

"What would all of them think about a teenager. Afraid of the dark like a 5 year old." He chuckled menacingly. You looked down. Trying not to get upset at his mean words. Suddenly you look up at him.

"Fine." You say. He looks at you surprised. "But. You have to share with me or I'll tell everyone about your little sleep problem." Max just stood there. Then he grinned, almost evily.

"I think we're gonna be great friends"


Sorry for not updating for a few days- I kinda felt like it was too cringe or something. Also the fact I'm making this years too late made me feel dumb

573 words

[DISCONTINUED] a lame ass summercamp ~ Camp Camp Max x reader Where stories live. Discover now