Chapter Eight

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I'm so sorry it took so long to write this. If this chapter is crap I apologize 🚶‍♀️

TW: MENTION of abuse

You and Max were still leaning against the mess hall when max abruptly walked forwards and stopped to look back at you.

"I'm going to the docks. Wanna join?" He stated emotionlessly 

"Yeah, of course." You smile while following him.  

You both walked in silence to the docks together, it wasnt an uncomfortable silence, it was quite relaxing actually. Once you arrived you both sat down on the worn out wood.

All of a sudden max pulled out a pack of cigarettes.

"Where the hell did you get those?!?" You questioned, alarmed.

"I stole them from Gwen's pocket earlier." He smirked as he pulled out a cigarette, placed it in his mouth and lit it with a lighter that who the hell knew how he got.

"You really are a rebel arent you?" You spoke. Max just laughed lightly.

You both looked at the lake for a few more moments. 

"Thank you." Max spoke randomly.

"For what?" You asked, Confused. He looked at you and smiled softly.

"For giving me a chance."

You grinned at him.

"What's got you all mushy??" You spoke through giggles. He looked away from you angrily and crossed his arms.

"I was just trying to thank you, gosh Y/N." He grumbled, but looked at you from the corner of his eyes with a softer expression to signify he wasnt actually angry.

"Pfff I was just giving you shit. But, You're welcome." You say as you kick your feet above the water gently. "You deserved a chance." Max returns his gaze back to the lake again and you both sit enjoying the silence. Until Nikki came out of nowhere.

"HEY GUYS!!" she screamed in between both of your guys ears. Max jumps and almost falls into the lake.

"Nikki what the fuck!!" Max yells glaring at her. Suddenly you lose it and start to laugh. "Its not funny!" Max exclaims waving his hands in the air causing you to just laugh more. This was when Nikki started to join in on the laughing. Max just sighs and stands up.

"Cmon, its about time for lunch dumbasses." He says as he starts walking to the mess hall. You jump up and jog up beside him while Nikki follows.

"You cant say your tiny angry self wasnt funny." You snicker. He shot you an annoyed glance and put his hands in his pockets.


~Time skip to when yall arrive at the messhall for lunch bc I'm extremely lazy 🤞~

You place your lunch tray next to Max's as you sit down beside him.

"Hey Y/N did you know its parents day next friday?" Nikki suddenly says to you from across the table. You see Max start to grip his fork tighter.

"No? You guys do parents day?" You spoke up.

"Every year. It kinda sucks, especially if my dad comes." Neil speaks, annoyed. He wasnt going to tell you about Max's parental issues and he hoped Nikki would have enough sense not to. You just nod your head.

"One year Neil's dad and nikki's mom got caught fucking on the stage." Max suddenly says still looking down at his tray. You just sat there for a moment before you burst out laughing.

[DISCONTINUED] a lame ass summercamp ~ Camp Camp Max x reader Where stories live. Discover now