Chapter Seven

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It had been around two weeks since you had arrived at camp. You had really came to love this gross ass scam of a place to send children. You and max had become quite close, basically best friends.

It was breakfast and you sat in your normal spot, next to Max, Nikki, and Neil. Poking at your food, wondering whether to eat it or not, as usual.

"I wonder what david is gonna make us do today." Max spoke, yawning.

"Hopefully nothing unbearable." Neil mutters.

"I HOPE WE GET TO WRESTLE BEARS!!" Nikki suddenly exclaimed. You laughed.

"I dont think david would have us do that." You said

"You never know." Nikki says proudly. You just shake your head in amusement. Then David speaks.

"Goooood morninggg campers ! Today we will be doing archery! Meet me at the activities field, okay!"

"Oh my god this will be a disaster." Neil mumbles nervously.

"Someone's gonna shoot a kid." Max spoke. "I might just be that someone." He says the second part quieter. You smack his shoulder lightly. He laughs.

"I was joking!" He smirks.

"Oh I'm sure you were." You say sarcastically.

"C'mon lovebirds." Neil says while rolling his eyes.

"Hey! I'd never date this whore!" Max argues playfully.

"And I would never date someone half of my height." You state jokingly. You both just stare at each other and start laughing hysterically.

Neil just sighs, hardly amused, and walks away with nikki. You and max head to the activities field after your laughter attack dies down.

"I actually used to be on an archery team in like elementary." You say randomly

(No bc I literally was on the archery team at my elementary school 🚶‍♀️ probably one of my biggest mistakes 🥶)

"Oh really??" Max says looking at you. "I wouldnt expect that from someone like you."

"I quit like not even halfway into the second semester." You laughed. He just smiled.

When you two reached the activity field you see david handing out quite cheap looking archery bows and arrows, they were obviously not sharp for safety reasons. You walk up to the tall man.


"Oh! Yes Y/N?" He smiles while putting his hands on his hips.

"I used to be on an archery team, I could help teach some kids on how to shoot." You tell him.

"Oh that would be great Y/N!" He grins. You just nod, grab a few bows and arrows and walk to max, neil and nikki. You hand each bow to them individually. Nikki was shaking with excitement. After you figured out whether each one of them were left or right handed, you took your bow. Demonstrating on how to hold it so you didnt get hurt when you shot. Max seemed to be uninterested but did what you told him. You told them about basic safety rules and all the good stuff I cant exactly remember because it's been years lmao.

"And most importantly, nikki. Max. No pointing your bows at people." Max gave you a playful glare and flipped you off. You just flipped him off back and walked out from in front of them.

Timeskip to after everyone shoots bc I'm literally just so lazy like that 🤞

Archery was actually kinda fun, except for kids always forgetting the safety rules and you having to scream at them. But other than that you really enjoyed it.

"Alright everyone, it's now freetime!" All the campers sighed in relief and walked away to do their own things.

"Thank you for helping me today Y/N." David spoke suddenly. You jumped, not expecting him to sneak up on you

"Oh it was no problem, I actually enjoyed it." You said, rubbing the back of your neck.

"But I do really appreciate it, I'll let you have extra dessert tonight" He smiles while walking away.

"Looks like someones a suckup." You hear from behind you. It was max, of course. You rolled your eyes.

"At least sucking up gets me extra dessert."

"Yeah yeah." Max speaks while walking to stand beside you. You nudge his arm.

"You've been a lot less mean recently." You smile to him. He shrugs.

"Havent really felt like being an asshole I guess." He speaks calmly.

"Well I'm proud of you." You wrap your arms around him loosly for a few seconds before returning them by your sides

He looks at you, slightly blushing, and then returns his gaze back to his feet.

"Thanks." He says softly.

The archery thing was the first idea to pop in my head I'm heavily sorry LMAOO

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[DISCONTINUED] a lame ass summercamp ~ Camp Camp Max x reader Where stories live. Discover now