Chapter Five

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After breakfast and a few activities it was now freetime. You decided to just wander around for a bit. You walked through the woods, not far enough to get lost but far enough to where people couldn't see you. The chirps of birds and sounds of animals calmed you. You stuffed your hands in your pants pockets and admired the beautiful scenery around you. You plopped yourself onto a log and started fiddling in the dirt with a stick.

"There you are." You suddenly heard a voice say behind you. Of course it was max.

"What do you want." You spoke without looking at him. He sat next to you.

"I wanted to talk about our plan."

You sighed.

"Oh the plan you're literally blackmailing me to help you with?" You speak while raising your head to look at him. He wore a calm yet annoyed face. "You could've got anyone else to help you."

"I just thought it would be fun with you." He spoke softly. You looked at him confused. You couldn't figure max out. Did he hate or like you? He noticed you staring at him and blushed.

"D-dont think too much into that okay." He huffed, obviously embarrassed as he stood up from the log and began to head back to camp. You jumped up and jogged to his side. You both walked, not speaking for a few moments.

"Max?" You spoke suddenly. He just hummed in response. "Do you hate me???" He sighed loudly, closing his eyes.

"I dont hate you, i just don't know how to feel about you yet." Yeah max was still the same boy with trust issues as he was when he was 10 but he had been working to improve himself. To a certain point. He really wanted to trust you but he couldn't let himself get hurt by you. You wouldnt ever hurt him like he thought you would but he had convinced himself otherwise. It was max after all.

"Trust issues?" You asked. Max looked at you for a few seconds. Then he looked down.

"Maybe." There he goes opening up to you again. Why were you so easy to talk to.

"Yknow max, I understand you, to a certain level. And I promise that you can trust me. I understand if you dont yet...but just know I'm here." He suddenly stopped in his tracks. Why were you so nice to him??? You just met him. "Max??"

"Sorry, just...Why are you so nice to me??" He spoke looking at you. You smiled warmly.

"Why wouldn't I be?? I always try to be nice to someone when I first meet them. You never know what they're going through." He stood, dumbfounded, staring at you for a moment. You were so kind. So fucking kind. It pissed him off a bit but also made him feel comforted.

"I'm sorry." He spoke quietly.

"For what." You ask putting your hand on his shoulder.

"For being an ass to you. Uh.. you dont have to help me steal the pudding. I wont blackmail you. I promise." He spoke. You laughed a bit.

"Max you dont have to apologize, I forgive you, and I'll still help with the pudding, seems fun." You smiled at him. He smiled a genuine smile, he didnt usually do that. It was nice. You both continued to walk back to camp again. Max felt happier than he had in a long time.


This is a shorter chapter again, sorry about that. Basically when I do write these I feel almost as though I just ramble. I'm writing this completely because I'm bored and would like to publically write something.

And just so you know even tho everyone is aged up to around 15 there wont be any sort of nsfw being legit cannonly the characters r all young kids, it would just be creepy. So occasionally there will probably be kissing but nothing going overboard.

[DISCONTINUED] a lame ass summercamp ~ Camp Camp Max x reader Where stories live. Discover now