chapter Two

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You zoned off as you laid down on your cot. The next thing you knew max was bursting through the tent flaps. You shot up.

"Hey fuckface, it's time for lunch, David told me tell you to come to the Mess Hall." Was all he said before he walked out. You just sat there blankly before getting up and heading to the mess hall. You doubted you'd like their food at all. As you entered the mess hall you instantly got nervous, you had no idea where to sit. Nerris and preston were already occupied by talking to other campers. You almost instantly lost your appetite.

"Hey new girl !!" You heard a feminine voice yell. You looked over to see a short girl with weirdly teal hair and red overalls. Nikki. You weakly smiled. You saw she was sitting with max and neil. Oh gosh. She furiously patted the table signaling you to sit with them. You awkwardly shuffled over to them and say down by nikki.

"You arent eating?" Neil asked.

"Shes probably anorexic or some shit." Max said playing with his food with a fork. You frowned.

"No. I do not have any sort of eating disorder I just dont feel like eating right now." You grumbled. Max glared at you and you glared back. Then he smirked and you averted your gaze, embarrassed.

"Sooooooo Y/N?" Nikki spoke cheerfully. You looked up.

"Huh?" You responded.

"You got your eyes on anyone ??" She asked wiggling her eyebrows. Your face became bright red.

"No?? This is my first day how could I have a crush on someone already????"

"Finally someone logical!" Neil sighed. You laughed and nodded.

"Alright nerds, I'm out of here." Max suddenly spoke up as he walked away with his tray.

"What was that about?" You asked.

"Oh that's just max!" Nikki responded.

"Max isnt too big of a sociable person if you know what I mean.." neil stated. You nodded slightly.

"But dont worry about him." Nikki said placing her arm around your shoulders. You smiled widely. Camp was definitely not as bad as you thought.

Max's POV

God what was up with that girl. It was like no matter what I did she just brushed it off. Just like fucking david. Yet she was easier to deal with. Ughh whyd we have to get a new camper. I leaned the back of my head on the outside of the mess hall. All of a sudden I heard David's stupid obnoxious voice booming from the inside. "God fucking damn it" I muttered. I opened the doors and walked back in to see what was happening. It was probably some dumb ass camp activity. God. I hate it here.


David started to speak up so I lifted my head to see what was up.

"Alrighty campers, it's time for an activity." The entire camp seemed to groan with annoyance. I just sat there, how bad could it be. Just then I saw max standing at the mess hall doors with the angriest face I have ever seen. David began to speak again.

"Guys come on! Itll be fun, since Y/N is the new camper we will be doing her activity, art!!" He yelled. I grinned from ear to ear. Hell fucking yes. Max's posture seemed to have faltered even more at the mention of an art activity. Dolph on the other hand was bouncing up and down, it seemed he was very excited for his activity to be picked as well.

"So campers, today you'll have to draw one of your fellow campers !" David explained.

Oh gosh. I felt nervous as fuck. Who was I going to draw. I looked over to see max sulking even more. I got up and walked over to him.

[DISCONTINUED] a lame ass summercamp ~ Camp Camp Max x reader Where stories live. Discover now