Chapter Six

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It was late at night. Around 1 am, the time for you and max to steal the pudding. Max stuck his head out your tent. Once he saw there was no one outside he stepped out while nodding to you. Once you had exited the tent he grabbed your wrist gently and you both darted to the mess hall. He slowly pushed the doors open, trying to not make much noise. You both quickly stepped inside. And very carefully shut the doors.

"Okay lets look around in the kitchen." Max whispered to you. Even though of course this was wrong, you couldn't help but feel all excited. You had never done anything like this. You both checked in drawers and cabinets until you found a large number of packs of pudding cups. "Hell yeah!" Max whisper yelled while shoveling a few in his hoodie pockets. You helped by grabbing a few and cradling them in your arms. He turned around and smirked at you. "Let's go." You both ran quickly back to your tent. Laughing quietly the whole way.

"I can't believe we did that!" You laughed while shoveling some of the pudding into your mouth. Max smiled.

"You really arent a rebel are you??"

"Ah... absolutely not. My mom would kill me if she knew i did this." You said rubbing the back of your neck.

"That sucks, having a mom like that." Max replied while continuing to eat a pudding cup.

"Eh, I know shes a good mom. Shes just trying to keep me from doing something I'll regret." You spoke as you fiddled with your spoon.

"What about your dad?" Max suddenly asked. "What's he like." You looked down.

"I never knew him really." You replied.

"Oh shit Y/n I'm sorry-"

"Dont be!!" You smiled. "It doesn't really bother me that much, I've survived without him." Max just smiled.

"I dont know how you can be so positive, yknow." He suddenly said while putting down his pudding and sitting his hands in his lap.

"Sometimes I just think about how for me personally, the good outweighs the bad."

Max looked at you. Suddenly he felt guilty. Why couldn't he just do that instead of making everyone else miserable. He ran he hands through his hair and sighed.

"I think I admire you Y/N." He spoke softly. "I know I literally barely know you but you're really really nice." He laughed lightly. "I wish I could be like that." You got up from your cot and stepped over to him where you were standing in front of him.

"Just like I said last night. You can change. It might not be easy but I know you can." You reached your hand out to him. He grinned and took it, standing up. You looked down at him and ruffled his hair.

"Hey! Fuck you!" He said pushing your hand away playfully. You just laughed and sat back down on your cot. Max sat next to you and yawned.

"You tired?" You asked him, it was around 2 am after all. He just nodded and rested his head on your shoulder. You were taken aback for a second but relaxed soon after.

"Are you?" He spoke suddenly.

"Yeah but I dont really feel like sleeping right now." you said as you grabbed your sketchbook, trying to not disturb Max's head as much as you could.

"Can I watch you?" Max asked.

"Of course." You answered softly. You really liked Max's soft side, made you feel welcomed.

About 10 minutes went by.

"Max?" You asked. There was no response. You looked down to see the boy asleep while resting his head on your shoulder. You giggled softly and slowly stood up from your cot and set his head carefully on the cots pillow and pulled the covers over him. You sat down on his cot, opposite from the one he was resting in and continued drawing. Happy to see he was sleeping peacefully for once.

Haha 666 words.

[DISCONTINUED] a lame ass summercamp ~ Camp Camp Max x reader Where stories live. Discover now