chapter three

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This is gonna have some angst. I'm trying to give Y/N bits of trauma but not like a cliche Y/N- idk how well I'll be able to achieve that LNDJDHD

He was there. In your dream. Towering over you. Your old step father. You were frozen, that powerful and manipulative man scared you more than anything in this world. Before you knew it he turned into a shadowy monster and you fell into darkness.

You gasped and shot upwards on your cot. You breathed unsteadily as you checked the time on your phone. 5 am. God damn it whyd you have to have a nightmare, and on your first day. You breathed in slowly and stepped out of your cot, careful not to wake max. You sneakily stepped out of the tent and looked around. The dark scared you but you needed some fresh air. You then heard rustling behind you. It was max. You coughed a little awkwardly.

"Did I wake you?" You said quietly. He stood beside you.

"Nah I havent been able to sleep." He responded. You looked down at him.

"I'm sorry." Was all you said.

"Theres no need to be sorry, I'm used to it." He yawned. "Why are you up."

"Nightmare." You replied. He nodded.

"Yknow theres a place we can go to take your mind off of it." He said tiredly. You wondered why max was being so nice to you. You had only known him a day.

"That would be nice." You slightly smiled. He starting walking and you followed. You were a little bit scared, you had been scared of the dark for years. It seemed childish but it was caused by extreme anxiety and a good amount of horror movies. Without realizing it you lightly grabbed Max's Tshirt sleeve. You realized what you were doing and let go, embarrassed.

"Are you scared?" He asked. Fuck. What if he made fun of you. You very slowly nodded. He just looked at you.

"I know its babyish, I cant help it even when I'm a high schooler. You chuckled weakly.

"I wasnt going to make fun of you." He replied. This was very strange. You didnt know whether he was being nice because he was tired or he was actually being genuine. Just then a dock at the lake appeared.

"Oh." You breathed.

"Mhm" he mumbled. "Come on."

You followed him to the end of the dock and watched him sit down. He looked up.

"What are you waiting for??" He questioned. You blushed awkwardly and sat down next to him. You both sat there, not talking. It was actually a bit nice. Then he spoke up.

"You have nightmares often??" He asked. You sighed.

"Yeah.." you muttered.

"Sweet, I mean not sweet- just I'll have someone to do this with often." He spoke resting his head on his hands. You smiled. You definitely wouldnt be as lonely as you thought. You sat there in silence together for a little bit more until you saw the sun start to come up.

"Wow. I didnt realize we'd be able to watch the sunset." You spoke. Max just gave you a small smile. Wait a smile?? Not a smirk ?? You couldn't understand why but you felt you could become great friends with max. Even with how different you both were. You two watched the sunset and it was beautiful. You were sort of glad you had a nightmare almost. Suddenly max stood up.

"We should head back. David will be making sure we are all in our tents soon." He spoke. You nodded and stood up, heading back with him.

When you reached your tent you laid back onto your cot, of course you couldn't go back to sleep.

"Max?" You questioned.

"Hm..?" He replied groggily.

"Can you sleep?" You spoke softly

"Absolutely not." He said sitting up. You sat up as well. He tiredly leaned his head on his hands. You could tell he was sleep deprived.

"So you don't sleep often huh?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Its like my mind runs a million times too fast, I can barely ever sleep." He sighed. "But that's just how it is I guess. I live with it.

"Max, why are you telling me all this?" You asked softly. He looked at you and sighed.

"Listen Y/N idk why, but, I sense I can trust you more than the other morons here, I know that sounds dumb but when you chose to draw me out of everyone i realized how nice you actually were." He started. "I know we havent known each other long, you just treat me like a regular person more than this entire camp, y'know?"

"What about david?" You asked.

"What about him??" Max groaned.

"Hes really nice to you, no matter how you act towards him. Why arent you like this with him." Max looked down guiltily.

"I honestly dont know. I think....I think its because I cant understand how hes that happy. Maybe I'm jealous? Jealous I could never be like that." He spoke quietly. You sighed and walked over to his cot and plopped down beside him.

"Yknow max. Never say never." You smiled. He looked up at you a little taken aback. He then looked back down.


I'm goin bonkers with these chapters

882 words

[DISCONTINUED] a lame ass summercamp ~ Camp Camp Max x reader Where stories live. Discover now