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With Fallon

Bright sunlight filtered through the window, shining on a sleeping Fallon's face. The light made her face glow a nice golden color, causing her eyes to flutter open. She shifted around in the expensive silk sheets. Accidentally bumping her husband Liam, who was still peacefully asleep, she rose from her resting position and rubbed her eyes, yawning.

She turned her gaze to Liam, who was now partially awake.

"Morning handsome."

With a slight smile and a large yawn, he replied, "Good morning, Fal."

Fallon returned her body to the laying position and wrapped her arms around her significant other, her head resting on his chest. She closed her eyes.

"Can we please stay like this forever?"

Liam chuckled. "Sorry, but no. We have to start getting ready for our camping trip." Fallon lifted her head and looked into his eyes.

"You know I don't like dirt. Why did we agree to this again?" She plopped her head back down.

"Because your brother asked us to come. He wanted to have a larger group of people to-"

"To stay safer, I know, I know."

"Besides, it will be fun. Just you, me, our friends, and the starry night sky above our heads. No drama, no work, and no stress." He lifted his arms and put them behind his head.

With that, Fallon got out of bed and started to get dressed. Even though they were going to go rolling in dirt for the next week, she still wanted to look presentable. After finishing off her outfit with a nice pair of heels, she packed up a suitcase full of everything she needed for the trip. When she finished, she sat back on the bed and scrolled through her phone, waiting for Liam to finish getting ready.

When he returned from the bathroom and grabbed his backpack, they left Fallon's room hand in hand, and walked down the steps. At the bottom, Sam, Steven, and Kirby were waiting for them in the foyer. They had all of their suitcases and backpacks ready to go by their sides.

Kirby spoke first. "It's about time you guys got up! We've been waiting for you for twenty minutes."

"Yeah, I had to wait to eat breakfast. I'm starving!" Sam said next. He left the group and headed to the kitchen where the buffet was waiting.

Fallon placed her bags next to everyone elses and stepped beside her brother. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was just enjoying my morning in bed, I didn't know there was a call time."

"It's alright, Fallon. As long as we get to the car on time, I don't care what you two were doing." Steven walked off to join Sam for breakfast, Kirby following shortly after.

Fallon and Liam walked through the main room and into the dining room. While walking, Fallon looked out the large windows. The sky was a bright blue without a cloud in sight. The sun was shining all around, placing a golden haze on everything it touched. To her, it seemed like the perfect day to go on a trip in the woods.

Once they made it to where the food was, they each grabbed a plate and went to town.

After eating, they got the last of their things together and headed out of the manor. Fallon handed her bags to the help and sat in the passenger seat of one of their many cars. Liam took the driver's seat, and the other three sat in the back row.

The engine got started, and then they were on their way. Everyone was excited and chatty on the car ride, but Fallon was mostly quiet. There was this feeling in the pit of her stomach that she couldn't shake off, and she didn't know what it was. She decided that it was because she was nervous about staying away from the manor for a long period of time, and joined in on the ongoing conversation.

Three hours passed and they made it to the entrance of the woods they would be staying in. Fallon stepped out of the car, followed by everyone else, and they all got their bags out of the trunk. She walked towards the gravel trail.

She stared down the dimly lit path, the bad feeling in her gut growing as her gaze went further and further into the forest.

Something isn't right.

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I hope you choose to join me on this ride and let me know what you think!

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