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TW: graphic descriptions (just in case)

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With Liam

'two down, four to go,' read the message.

After taking a few deep breaths, Liam got up and retrieved his phone. After reading the text, he didn't know what to think. All he knew was that the love of his life and one of his best friends had been kidnapped, and any of the remaining four of them could be next.

The others had already gone to bed, leaving Liam alone in the clearing.

For the fist time since Fallon went missing, Liam allowed himself to fully sink down into his pit of despair. Sat back in his chair, he let his mind wander. Wander to the place that he didn't let his mind wander before.

He felt hopeless. Utterly hopeless. He could feel his whole world crumbling inside of him and he knew that there was nothing he could do about it. And it destroyed him.

Fallon needed him to go save her and he knew that he couldn't. He knew that he couldn't find her. He knew that he couldn't help her. And it destroyed him.


Despite everything he just thought to himself, he knew that he couldn't give up. For the sake of everyone, especially Fallon's, who he wasn't even sure was still alive, Liam knew that he had to go back into the forest. He wasn't giving up that easily.

No matter what, Liam was not leaving this forest until everyone was together and safe. He wasn't about to leave anyone behind.

So off he went.

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Liam walked into the small clearing, the horrid feeling that it radiates filling his mind. He looked around the secluded area, his eyes scanning over Fallon's crusted blood seeped into the dirt and tree bark. Sadness in his eyes and a flashlight in his hand, he thought about how he should start setting his trap.

Knowing that Unknown would try to come get him, hence it being nearly 3 am, Liam planned to plant a distraction around this area to keep them busy while he went to find Fallon and Kirby.

Liam took out his pocket knife and dragged the blade down his arm, attempting to draw blood. He flinched in pain. He sighed out a deep breath as he watched the blood slowly ooze out of the cut and drip onto the ground, satisfied that his plan was working so far.

Once there was a good amount of blood on the ground in front of him, he slowly started walking to the left of where he came from, making sure that the red substance trailed behind him. He slunk through the bushes and went to the stream that wasn't too far off. Letting some blood drip at the waters edge, Liam paused for a moment. A quick second later, he leaned over the edge and held his arm out, allowing his blood to fall down into the stream, flowing down with the current.

He tidied up his cut to stop from dripping any more, and he made his way back to the clearing. He stepped through the bushes and went into the center of the small area, noticing something different.

What's missing here...

And then he realized... Right where he was standing should have been where Unknown's metal pole was, but now it's gone.

Feeling a little off that the weapon was no longer there, Liam suddenly remembered what he was there for. All that was left for him to do was get a way for Unknown to come here. Knowing that he left a trail of his blood, he needed to make it believable that he got hurt, while also seeming like he isn't trying to get anyone's attention. Liam somewhat yelped in fake pain.

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