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With Liam

The peaceful bird chirpings and the slow swaying of the overhead trees woke a tired Liam, making him stir in the warm sleeping bag. Although, it wasn't all warm. The spot where Fallon should have been was empty and had no remnants of her ever being there.

Liam sat up and rubbed his eyes. He sighed tiredly and looked for his wife, who he assumed was still asleep next to him. When his eyes searched around the entirety of the tent, he wondered where Fallon had gone.

Keeping his wonders in mind, he exited the tent and joined Kirby and Steven, who had gotten up not too long before.

"Hey, have you seen Fallon?" Liam took a seat in one of the extra collapsible chairs.

"You mean... she's not still in there?" Kirby pointed to the cloth that Liam had just crawled out of.

He shook his head. "I didn't notice that she had even left in the first place, let alone know where she was."

"Well why don't you give her a call?" Steven piped up. "You know, to find out where she went and why."

"You're all overreacting," Adam mysteriously appeared behind his girlfriend. "I think you should wait a little bit for Fallon to return before everyone starts to freak out."

Liam looked at his brother-in-law suspiciously, but he shook it off and went to the cooler to grab his share of breakfast.

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It's been about forty-five minutes since they had finished eating, and Fallon had still yet to return. The fact that there has been no sign of her around all day worried Liam, and he was ready to search the forest.

"We can't just stand around all day! We have to look for her or at least do something."

"Well have you tried calling her first?" Liam looked at Sam and snapped his fingers.

He rummaged around in his pockets and found his phone, and almost immediately, he dialed in his missing wife's number.

As his phone rang, everyone heard a familiar ringtone coming from the couple's tent. Rushing from where he sat, Liam entered the shelter and searched for the phone. On his knees, he picked up the device and held it up for the others to see.

"Welp... Wherever she is, she didn't take her phone with her." Liam slumped down in disappointment. The more time that passed, the more worried he grew.

"Don't worry, Liam. I'm sure she'll turn up." Kirby led the others back away from where their friend sat, and they all sat back down.

The distressed spouse stood and hastily walked towards the group. "Come on guys, we can't just give up! Fallon could be anywhere."

"I still think you're making a big deal out of nothing. She might have just gone for a walk and forgot to bring her phone." Adam wasn't making the situation better.

"No, you don't understand. Fallon would never willingly go out in the woods by herself without anything on her. As far as we know, she didn't take anything. All of her things are still inside the tent." Liam was pacing back and forth. "She hates the dirt, and it would be very unlikely for her to want to take a walk so early in the morning... and alone."

By this point, everyone was flashing worried glances at each other.

"Is everybody positive that they didn't hear or see anything last night or this morning?"

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