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With Liam

Liam entered the campsite without the two girls. With a disappointed sigh, he slumped down in his chair and pulled out his phone to check the time.

5:15 am

Knowing he wouldn't be able to fall asleep, he got up out of his chair and went over to the cooler. Even if he could fall asleep, it wouldn't be for very long; Adam, Steven, and Sam would be getting up soon.

Liam reached down and grabbed a sandwich. Despite the nauseous feeling churning in his stomach, he ate the food to prevent feeling sick later.

Getting comfortable in his collapsible chair, he ate the rest of his sandwich and then stared off into the slowly brightening sky. He focused on one of the last visible stars, and the one he chose shone the brightest in the sky. He wondered if that was Fallon looking down at him, as if to say that he hasn't lost her yet. Liam wasn't sure that she was still alive after that last blow to the head, but this was his way of reassuring himself that not all is lost just yet. The sight of Fallon's star brought him comfort, and the beautiful sunrise made it easy for Liam to doze off for a little while.

He dreamed of Fallon.

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"You ever had sex on the stage of your high school theater?"

Liam and Fallon sat on the edge of the stage, enjoying each other's company after getting married just a little while before.

"Um, I don't think you really want me to answer that question."

Liam gasped and then got up.

"Where are you going? It was just once! Well, okay, it was twice. But it was with the same guy, so it was kind of like an encore!"

"Relax. I'm going to get the champagne from the car."

"Oh, great. I'm sure it's nice and warm by now."

Liam chuckled at her statement and went to his car outside.

Fallon stayed sat on the stage while she waited. About a minute or so later, she heard footsteps coming from behind her.

"Liam, is the champagne at a boil?"

When there was no response, she turned around.


Evan walked towards her, his dangerous stance starting to worry her. Her worries turned into panic when she saw Evan holding a knife at his side. She scrambled to her feet. 

"Liam! Liam, help!"

Fallon tried to run away, but before she could get anywhere, Evan grabbed her and held his knife to her throat.

"I'll use this if you make one more sound."

Liam came back a minute later, holding the champaign bottle. His heart rate sped up the instant he saw Fallon being held by Evan.

"Whoa, hey, hey, hey."

"I said don't move! Either of you."

Liam froze when Evan held the blade closer to Fallon's neck. He could see her starting to panic a little more.

"Evan, Evan, Evan, Evan. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Okay? Um... I just, um... I'm just nervous. You know? I-I... I can't believe there's an actual chance for us to be together."

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