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With Fallon

Fallon was trying to sleep, but before her conscience switched off for the night, the gut feeling returned, stronger than before.

Eyes still closed, she focused on the sounds of the woods. A soft breeze ruffled the branches of overhead trees, and caused leaves to scatter around on the ground. Reaching her hearing out a little further, she recognized the similar sounds of small animals rummaging for nuts and seeds.

Everything seemed normal until one particular noise caused her eyes to shoot open. It sounded like a person walking, with leaves and twigs crunching under their feet. There was also a clacking noise that she couldn't identify.

The more she listened, the more her heart rate sped up. Her heart was pumping and she broke out into a cold sweat as the steps came closer and closer. She sat up and shook Liam who was dead asleep, but he didn't wake up. All he did was mumble something and shift around, going back into his deep slumber.

God dammit, Liam. Now's not the time to be a heavy sleeper.

She checked the time.

2:43 am.

Leaving her husband be, she crept to the front of the tent and unzipped it a little. With the space given, she poked her head out and looked around. Everything seemed normal, so she undid the entrance of the tent all of the way. She crawled out and stood up straight.

The brisk night air swept her hair to the side, causing a shiver to go down Fallon's back. She then walked away from her tent to the others' to see if they were all still sleeping. Before making any assumptions, she needed to know if it was any of them walking around.

She walked up to Steven and Sam's tent, and when she got there, she peeked inside.

Okay, so it wasn't either of them.

She re-zipped the cloth and went to where Kirby and Adam were. She looked through the entryway and saw the both of them fast asleep.

That got her worries back up again.

She closed the tent and went back to her's, ready to forget about what happened. Deciding to think of it as her imagination playing tricks on her, she started to open up her tent, before stopping a third of the way down. The footsteps returned.

The brunette turned around to face the direction the sound came from. It sounded again along with the same clacking as before, and it was coming from the other side of the campsite.

Her breathing sped up and she could feel her heart thumping through her chest. She looked around the ground and found a spare flashlight a couple feet away. With shakey hands, she picked it up and struggled to turn it on. Once it flickered on, she hesitantly brought it up to her shoulder and shined it where the noise was.


She didn't understand. She flashed the light in different directions, but there was nothing there except for the trees and wild plants. Taking in a shakey breath, she slowly walked across the camp towards the detected area, keeping the light fixed forward. She stopped walking when she made it to the edge of the dirt clearing and shifted her gaze all around. She knew that if she didn't go back into her tent, she would likely pass out from fear, but she stayed anyways.

Venturing a few steps into the forest, the girl moved her flashlight around to try and see if there was anyone there. Walking past some bushes, she dropped the flashlight at the sound of rustling coming from a few feet away. She bent down and struggled trying to pick it up, causing it to roll away and go underneath nearby brush.

Squatting down, she reached under the branches and felt around. Fallon found the light and pulled it out, and then fumbled around with the switches to turn it back on. The bright bulb turned on, and then she froze.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

Petrified, she sat on her knees, clutching onto the only object she had. A few tears escaped her eyes, and slowly, she turned her body around, refusing the urge to look up.

She lifted her gaze from the ground, and at a horribly slow rate, her head shifted upwards. As she looked up, her eyes were first met with a pair of large, brown, terribly muddy boots, and the further she went up, the faster her heart pounded.

Standing there, right in front of her, was a man. Or at least she thought it was a man. She wasn't really sure. He had a belt with all sorts of different devices on it, gloves that seemed to be covered in some sort of dark reddish-brown substance, dark clothes, and a black mask. There wasn't really anything on the mask, it was just circular and black with two eye-holes.

Frozen with fear, Fallon just stared up at the man, not daring to move. And all he did was stare back. Suddenly, he reached for his belt and grabbed something.

Not taking any chances, Fallon shot up from the ground and sprinted away as fast as she could. Breathing heavily, she didn't dare to stop.

Still running, she looked back, only to see that no one was there. Slowing to a stop, she looked around.

Was it just my imagination?

She turned to face the way of the campsite and started to walk. She took about two steps and immediately stopped when a piercing shock went through her left leg. Looking around to see why her leg suddenly went numb, she didn't notice that the man had crept up behind her, holding a large and long metal pole. With a tight grip, he lifted his arms above his head, holding the weapon up high, about to strike.

Hearing movements behind her, Fallon turned around to see the man standing dangerously close to her, holding his pole. At the sight, she let out a shriek before being abruptly stopped by a sharp pain coursing through her skull. The figure hit her off side the head with the weapon, knocking her down to the ground.

She groaned in pain and looked around. Her vision was foggy and her eyes were darting in every which way, so she looked back down to the dirt.

She tried to pick herself up. Not being able to, she attempted to crawl away, only making it a few inches before the man hit her again, harder than before. Fallon's body slumped to the floor.

There on the cold ground she laid, quickly losing consciousness. Blood trickled down the side of her face, leaving red stains in the dirt. Before giving in to the urge to sleep, the last thing she heard was the dreaded yet all familiar noise,

Clack. Clack. Clack.

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Lowkey kinda proud of this. Let me know what you think!

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