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With Liam

Liam shifted around in his sleeping bag as he slowly woke up. The sunlight that came through the small plastic window shined on his face, making his nose scrunch up before finally opening his eyes.

"Morning, babe."

He paused.

Oh. Right.

Liam turned on his side and looked at the empty space next to him where Fallon should be. He wasn't used to his wife not being there.

Every time he thinks about what happened to her, his gut twists and churns with dread, fearing that he may never see her again.

Since all of Fallon's stuff was still in the tent, Liam sorted through it until he found her phone. He turned it on and almost started to cry (again) when he saw the lockscreen. It was a picture of him and Fallon on their wedding day, before Even almost killed everyone.

Liam unlocked the phone, and to his surprise, there was a new message from an unknown number. He thought it looked familiar, so he went through his own contacts to see if he had it saved. He did.

Of course.

"Hey, guys!" He called out from the entrance to the tent to his friends in the clearing. His heart rate started to pick up. "Unknown texted Fallon's phone at 3 am-ish last night."

As the other four rushed over to him, Liam climbed fully out of the tent and stood up straight. He didn't know what to expect.

"Well don't just stand there, open the message and read it!" Sam became impatient when Liam just stared at the phone.

"Alright, alright, sorry."

Liam opened up Fallon's messages and pressed on the one that was sent by Unknown. When it appeared, he read it out loud.

"The message says, 'You better control your curious redheaded friend before something happens to your scared brunette headed friend.'"

Everyone's eyes turned to Kirby.

Adam looked worriedly at his girlfriend. "Did something happen in the forest yesterday that you didn't tell us?"

"There might have been something that I didn't tell you guys..."

"Kirby!" Everyone groaned at once.

She crossed her arms in defence. "I'm sorry! I didn't want to worry you guys more. You're all already worried enough."

They all looked at her expectantly.

"Okay, okay! So this is what happened...

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... and then when I looked back up, the eyes were gone."

Liam looked at Kirby confused.

"They just... disappeared?"

"Yeah. I couldn't fully fall asleep after that."

"Okay, whoever this person is, they obviously want to take us all out. Why else would Unknown still be hanging out close to our campsite?"

Steven joined in on the conversation. "Whatever our next move is, we need to be careful. Not only for our sakes, but for Fallon's too. Unknown seems to have the intentions on hurting her more if we make any wrong moves."

Liam's stomach started to do flips again. The thought of his wife being seriously hurt by someone he didn't know made his heart ache with sorrow and his head fill with rage. Then something clicked.

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