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With Liam

Kirby's shriek ended with a painful sounding gurgle.

"Oh my god," Adam whispered, fearful for his girlfriend.

The three all looked at each other with horrified glances, flashlights frantically shining light all over the place.

Again, with more guilt than imaginable, Liam felt a little relieved that it wasn't Fallon's voice screaming through the wall. He shook it off, though, because whatever was going on on the other side of the room was not good for anyone.

"What do we do now?" Steven asked.

As far as they knew, the only way out was that trapdoor, which they could not open. Liam, flashlight tightly grasped in his hand, searched the room yet again for another way out. To his disappoinment, there wasn't one. However, he was not about to give up, and he wasn't going to let Steven or Adam give up either.

"We try again."

Liam marched up the creaky steps and grabbed hold of the trapdoor's handle. With all of the strength he could muster up, he vigorously shook the door in hopes it would fly open. In the moment he paused, a crash sounded from down below. Startled, Liam looked down the steps.

"What was that?" Steven asked.

"Keep trying to open the door!" Adam yelled, starting to get more worried as another clank sounded, this time much closer.

"Come on," Liam whispered to himself, jiggling the door.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

All three jumped at the sound.

"U-Uh, can we speed this up?" Adam shouted up the staircase.

"I'm trying!"

Liam shoved his shoulder into the old wood. He heard a splintering noise as the door cracked, but it still wasn't enough.

Clack. Clack. Clack.

It was much louder this time.

"Come on, Liam!"

He didn't respond as he slammed himself into the trapdoor, his shoulder starting to go numb from the impact. His heart pounded as a cracking noise pierced his ears.


A thump thundered through the walls just as Liam burst through the wood and the door flew open.

"Guys!" He shouted, yelling with an urgency that told them to get out.

Stumbling, he sucked in a deep breath of fresh, non blood-tainted air as he rushed into the safety of the grass.

"We did it!"

He shot his head back around when he didn't hear a response.


He was the only one above ground.

"Guys!?" he shouted down the steps, searching the dark for his friends.

Liam hastily grabbed the flashlight and shined the light into the room. When he didn't see anything, he went down a few of the steps to be able to see the rest of the underground area. No one was there, and the only other difference in the scene was the little puddle of blood at the foot of the staircase.

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Liam shoved the pocket knife into his backpack.

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