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With Liam

'three down, three to go.' read the message.

Liam shut off his phone and set it down on the table.

Sam has been reported missing a total of three hours ago, and it had been about ten minutes since the three heard Fallon scream. At that moment, they were getting backpacks together to go and follow the direction it came from.

Steven, Adam, and Liam met up by the fire pit with their supplies.

"Are we all ready to go?"

Liam double checked that he had everything he wanted to bring.

"Yeah, I think so," he replied.

"Do you remember which direction the scream came from?" Adam asked.

Turning around and facing a trail that led into the trees, Liam motioned with his head.

"That way, I'm pretty sure."

Steven put on his backpack and walked over to the path, turning back around before continuing any further.

"Come on then, we have until it's dark."

It was 12:30 pm, and with any luck, Liam hoped to be back at the camping grounds by six at the latest.

He slung his bag around his shoulders and went over to Steven, Adam following shorty behind. Before they started to walk, he paused for a second.

"How are we supposed to find them? The building they were in before is in the other direction, and the only thing we have to go off of is a noise that happened a little while ago."

Steven looked at Liam sympathetically.

"Well, it's worth a shot. Who knows, maybe we'll find something."

He nodded, although he wasn't sure if he could believe his words. There was a slim chance that they would find the others, and even if they did, they could already be dead.

Liam didn't want to admit it, but he was starting to lose hope.

They had been running around the forest for days, and they were no where close to being done with this whole thing.

Maybe we should just assume the worst and go home.

Stopping in his place, Liam mentally slapped himself in the face.

How could I say that? My wife, the love of my life, is in horrible danger and I'm thinking of leaving her and her friends in the woods with a murderous monster.

If it was hard for him, he definitely couldn't imagine what Fallon was going through.

He took in a deep breath and continued to follow the other two further into the forest. Still disappointed in himself for thinking such things, he tried his best to convince himself that it was just the stress talking, and he attempted to focus on this new mission.

As the small group walked, Liam observed his surroundings and tried to keep note of the things around him; maybe they'll help in the long run.

"Do we still keep going this way, or do we try a different course?"

Adam had broken the silence.

For a moment, Liam imagined himself back at the campsite and hearing Fallon shriek again. He thought about where the sound came from.

"I think we should keep going this way."

They nodded to acknowledge his statement, and they continued down the trail.

Twenty minutes of walking later, they had yet to find anything.

Liam had made sure to remember the things that he saw, and some of them included an abnormally sized tree stump, a little pond with a few frogs, and some thick roots that grew into the path. He didn't know if he needed to create landmarks in his mind, but he did incase they might need them.

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The bright afternoon sun beamed down on the small crew as they trudged their way down the dirt path. It was half past one and they have been following the trail for two hours, yet they have found nothing. If they were to see anything remotely interesting, it most likely had nothing to do with their search.

Liam had started to loose hope for this mission, and he debated on whether or not they should head back to camp. Before he could speak up, Adam's voice rang across the trail. He seemed to be a little ways off.

"Guys! Come here!" he shouted.

Steven and Liam exchanged worried glances before running to where Adam was. They pushed through a bush to reveal Fallon's brother hovering over a patch of strange-looking grass.

"What is it?"

Adam pointed down to the ground with his eyebrows furrowed. He shrugged his shoulders, indicating that he had no clue.

Liam inspected the ground, and he noticed that the grass looked fake and out of place. It was a bright neon-like shade of green, and it had a plastic feel to it.

"It looks like a door. Can you lift it up?" Steven asked.

Bending down, Liam dug his fingers into where the ground changed colors, and he tried to pry in open. He heard a click, and the hood popped up.

He glanced at the other two with a questioning look. He turned back to the trapdoor and lifted it open, revealing a staircase that led to darkness.

What he heard next make his heart drop and his head pound.


It was Fallon, and she sounded scared and weak.

He looked back to Steven and Adam, shocked.

Without wasting any more time, the three shot down the dark stairs. They made it to the bottom, and the light from outside made it possible for them to see.

They stopped at the bottom of the staircase and looked around.


His gaze swept around the room, and Liam frowned with disappointment and confusion when there was no one there.

Steven and Adam looked at each other, also confused.

After a moment, he turned his attention back to the room. His breath hitched as his eyes met with different torture devices, some covered in red liquid.

Before anyone could process anything, the source of light was cut off by the slam of the trapdoor. The room went pitch black.

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Just a couple of things: I apologize for the lack of updates and that the last couple of chapters have been really short and pretty boring.
Also, I'm getting stuck on plots for this story. I have the major events and important stuff planned out, but getting to those points is what I'm struggling with, so please be patient with me as I come up with more ideas!

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