Chapter 45. Donnie can redeem himself

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When Donnie finally stopped crying he let go of Mikey,

"Mikey, can we talk in private for a moment?" I
Donnie asked while looking at him.

He nodded even though Leo once again tried to say otherwise. They walked to the lab and Donnie shut the door, they then sat at the desk.

"Why did you say I could redeem myself?" Donnie asked him.

Mikey was quite for moment and started to speak.

"You never actually hit me when I lived here, only with words and such. But when you came to get me the first time you didn't fight as much, but you actually made the effort to try to get me again, which showed you cared even if I didn't want you there. And you were the only one out of the other two who actual hugged me and cried and didn't try to force me to stay here" 

Donnie started to tear up after knowing he can still be apart of Mikey's life and not be the bad guy.

"Adopted or not you'll always be my big brother Don," Mikey smiled and Donnie stood up and went to go hug him. 

"I thought I was the worst out of the other two, trying to force you back in a family that didn't make you happy, just so I had a little brother and someone to team up that meets Leos stander. I believe that if you were the same but not the child of gods you'll be very strong, I don't have a lot of physical strength but I am smart" Donnie rambled on but Mikey seems to be taking liking to this.

Mikey let go of Donnie and smiled.

"I can give you my address if you promise not to show Leo or Raph. Master Splinter you can give it to, even though when he tried to stop the others it didn't work." Mikey said while grabbing a random piece of paper and a pen off the desk.

"Oh wait I have a different pen that could work better" Donnie said while searching his desk drawers.

He pulled out a light green pen, and walked back to Mikey handed him it.

"How would this be different?" Mikey asked while staring at the pen.

"Because the ink is invisible, and the button on the side, shows this blue light to show the hidden message" Donnie told him, of course Donnie didn't make it, but he found it on the surface a while ago.

Mikey looked happy while he scribbled down, what Donnie assumed was his address, Mikey flipped the pen upside down and flashed the light on it, 

"It's going to take a while to get from here to there without a car or something, but you've done it a few times before so it shouldn't be hard" Mikey said while handing Donnie the paper and pen. 

Donnie stashed the paper under a chemical bottle, and they both walked back out into the living room. Well Mikey limped the whole time.

"I will be going home with Swift and the other's, I will not be staying here" Mikey spoke up.    

Even though his leg is broken, and some other bones, he really didn't want to be here even if Donnie would be with him.

"Mikey please, just stay with us, how come you can forgive Donnie so easily!? He verbally abused you, and kept coming back to your 'place' to bring you back!" Raph yelled.

"At least he cared! He never really laid a hand on me, only when there was a battle, his words made me stronger, and at least he came back after what you and Leo caused that scene in town!" Mikey snapped back.  

Mikey will fight his own battles, with or without help.

"Son, us adults, spoke about this and we think it would be good if you and Swift would come to the realm of the Greek gods while you heal" Hades said while standing next to Aphrodite.

Mikey stared at them while thinking about it, he would be able to meet some family, learn more about his abilities and such. Mikey looked at Swift, knowing that he left him for so long, he would like to be in his own home just relaxing there.

"I think I should-" 

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