Chapter 56. RSVP

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Mikey was staring at the Mailbox, waiting for the responses to the letters arrive. They could just text Mikey but getting mail was more exciting. Mikey laid on his back on the ground in front of the Mailbox messing around on his new phone Hades brought him. The last one got broken and just wasn't working in general.

Hades could be heard walking to the mailbox, his dress shoes moving against the gravel and Mikey looked up to see Hades upside down. He rolled over and stood up.

"You're still waiting for the letters to come?" Hades asked.

"Of course" Mikey responded.

Almost like magic the mail Nymph came over and handed over a stack of letters to Mikey and then walked off.

"Okay then" Mikey said and he opened the first letter.

"Dear Mikey,
We are surprised you invited us to your ceremony. So you're becoming a god, that's surprising to hear. Our little brother from a fun sunshine ball to a fun God! That's crazy. We will like to attend and we'll see you there
-Leo, Raph, and Splinter" Mikey read to himself.

Donnie walked over noticing Mikey and Hades standing there and Mikey was looking confused.

"Hey Mikey what's up?" Donnie asked.

"Read this" Mikey said, Handing over the letter.

Donnie scanned the paper and looked up to Mikey.

"I'm surprised you even invited them in the first place. You know Leo is going to try and get you to come back again" Donnie said handing back the letter.

"Yeah I know, but maybe if he sees I'm happy here he'll finally stop" Mikey said opening a few more letters and reading them.

"Yeah maybe you're right" Donnie said.

Hades, Donnie and Mikey all went inside the house and Mikey read the rest of the letters.

"Everyone agreed to come to the Ceremony! Here this!

Dear Mikey,

It seems just like yesterday you were at our door saying you were going to run away with Swift and start a new life. And seems like you got a new life as a God! Totally Rad dude. We can't wait to see you at the ceremony!

Signed the Mighty Mutanimals" Mikey did his best impression of the Mutanimals as he smiled.

Hades handed Mikey his Notebook so he can write down everyone who is coming.

Mikey quickly scribble down the names and he double checked everything.

"I'm so happy everyone can make it, Be bop, Rock Steady, Fish Face, Tigerclaw, Dog Pound, my uncle, and the mighty mutanimals" Mikey said.

Mikey jumped down on the couch once they arrived in the living room.

"The ceremony is in a few days what should we do until then?" Donnie asked as he sat down next to Mikey.

Swift gave Donnie a glare as we had to sit on the over couch, with Hades.

"We could watch TV shows, I heard Alice in Borderline is pretty rad" Mikey suggested.

"Interesting, sounds fun" Donnie said as Hades turned on the TV and turned on Netflix and searched it up.

"8 episodes but each one is about an hour long, and a new season is coming" Hades read off the screen.

He pressed play and they began to watch it.

Episodes passed by, Mikey got all emotional and weird out by some scenes and all four of them were cheering for the main character and his 'friends'.

"Holy shell! Did that dude just got eaten!?" Mikey yelled as he watched a player get dragged away by a animal.

Swift laughed "rawr".

"Why" Donnie said as he gave Swift a weird look of disapproval.

"This is so cool!" Mikey said and he watched the chaos happen on the screen.

"Why are you enjoying this?" Donnie asked.

"It's cool" Mikey said and he grinned at the TV.

"Creepy" Donnie thought to himself and he turned hid attention back to the TV but cringe when something happened on the screen.

Two Ninjas but one spark (Mikey X Swift)Where stories live. Discover now