Chapter 11. Who mikey really is

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(Nothing of this is real)

Hades ex-girlfriend was  Aphrodite who just gave birth to their new child, which is oddly a turtle. Hades remember how there was a turtle gene in his family and none of them got it until now. 

"He's adorable" Hades said while holding him.

"Hades he is hideous" Aphrodite began.

"I think we should give him to the mortals" She told him.

'What? Why!" Hades questioned while holding the child close to him.

"Because we can't have this turtle human like creature around!" She shouted.

"Oh yeah?! Why the hell not!?" Hades shouted back while covering his child ears.

"I don't want to be known as giving birth to creatures that!" She shouted again pointing at the child.

"Well I'm not sending him to the humans!" Hades shouted back.

"We're over then Hades!" She declares.

The doctors came running in.

"What's going on?!" A male doctor said.

"Get him and that...thing away from me!" She directed.

"We were just leaving!" Hades said.

"Clearly she doesn't want me or our baby around, can I get full guardian ship over the baby and leave?" I asked a doctor while walking out.

"Yes I suppose so but check with Zeus" She said nicely.

Hades arrived home and was showing his baby around.

"Hades!" Hades heard a familiar person yelling.

He pick up his baby that he named Michelangelo. Hades went into the main hall to see his younger brother Zeus.

"What can I do for you little brother" Hades asked.

"Your baby there, I'm sorry but Aphrodite is throwing a fit and causing all the humans to lose love and have break ups and blah blah blah. The baby has to be sent to the human world" He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Why does she get what she wants by throwing a fit!?" Hades shouted at him "It's my baby!"

"Now, now brother, when he comes to age we'll get him back, you can look over him from the sky until then" Zeus said calmly.

Hades was upset but nodded. He opened a portal to the human world and went through.

Hades was in a pet shop and saw a big rat behind in a alley way, holding 3 baby turtles in a bowl.

"Sir?" Hades question.

"Yes?" He responded.

"Could you please take care of this baby turtle? It doesn't have a home and....I can't keep it" Hades said while trying not to cry, he shrunken the turtle so it looked like an actually making turtle and not a mutant.

"I um sure I guess" He said.

The Rat placed the my baby turtle with the others. He then handed the man a note. 

"When the turtle comes of age, please give this to him" Hades said.

"Okay....does he at least have a name?" He question.

"Michelangelo or just...Mikey.." Hades said.

"Who are you then?" He question again.

"Hades" He said than vanished back to the Underworld. 

Two Ninjas but one spark (Mikey X Swift)Where stories live. Discover now