Chapter 23. Hanging with M.C.

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Mikey and M.C were going to go get one lip piercings, kind of like Swifts, but M.C was getting his on his left side of his bottom lip, and Mikey will get his on the right side of his bottom lip. This was surprising Mikeys idea. M.C. was super excited to get another piercing, and with his brothers boyfriend, bonding time!

M.C. rushed to the living room. 

"Ready to get that li-" M.C. started but quickly stopped to see the others there.

Mikey nodded.

"Yeah let's go!" He said happily. 

Mikey kissed Swift cheek.

"Cya later hun!" He said.

The two of them quickly rushed out of the house laughing like idiots.

"Are you positive you want to get a lip piercing?" M.C question.

"Totally!" Mikey said.

"So, dude, why do you want a lip piercing?" M.C. asked. 

M.C. then folded his arms.

"When I lived in the sewers with my brothers, they always picked on me, telling me what to do, shooting down my ideas, now that I'm away from them I can do things I always wanted to do, like getting the tattoo," He lifted up with sleeve then brought it back down "I want to have a back bone, where I can stand up to people, and not be scared of hurting someone that's bad by myself, ya know" Mikey said.

"I may not know what you've been through, but people should be allowed to do what they want, if it's not SUPER illegal  and Mikey I can totally help you get a back bone towards people" M.C asked and patted Mikeys head.

Mikey smiled.

"Thanks M.C." He said.

"Like M.C. do!" M.C said one of his catch phrase.

Mikey laughed.

"My dude I say the same thing sometimes, well before I met ya anyway" Mikey said.

On the walk they made a secret handshake.

"So, Mikey what's your favorite sport?" M.C started to make conversation.

"Well, skate boarding, and not many people know but I love to play volleyball!" Mikey said excitedly just thinking about it.

"What about you" Mikey then asked.

"Well I like basketball and baseball" M.C. said and did the finger guns.

"That's really cool M.C.!" Mikey said happily.

They made it to the piercing place. They walked inside and made a appointment. They had to wait about 10 minutes.

"Mikey and M.C.? You're up" The goth chick said.

They sat in different chairs but right next to each others.

"So what piercing do you guys want?" The guy asked.

"I want a lip ring on my left bottom lip" M.C said.

"I want the same thing on on the right" Mikey said.

The process kind of hurt. Mikey yelped and kept saying ow.

And they left they did their handshake. They went to a pizza place to get some pizza and started to eat. Carefully because our lips are sore and didn't want to infect it.

"So you may know what clan we are from right?" M.C asked him.

"Yeah the Kirā Clan right?" Mikey said.

"Yeah, wait I don't think I know what Clan your from?" M.C. asked confusedly.

"Promise you won't treat me different?" He asked.

(AN: 0 Kudos. Neurotripsy. Kira can be used as a Japanese name, but it isn't actually a Japanese word. The closest is "kirakira", which means "shining" or "glittering". "Kira" is just the transliteration of the English word "killer", not a direct translation (and technically it should end in a double A

So I'm saying that their Killers in this and stuff)

"Dude, my bros and I are basically a bunch of killers, we had to kill someone just to be in the Clan" M.C. said.

Swift told hadn't told Mikey about that before, he was totally shocked, but he actually didn't mind at all.

"I'm from the Hamto Clan" Mikey said.

M.C. seem shocked at first.

"Ah, alright" M.C. said.

They then heard rustling in the bushes. They then stopped and turn around. They saw a speck of purple and a long brown stick on it's back.

"Donnie?" Mikey question.

Donnie then stood up.

"What are you doing here!" Mikey said while getting mad.

"I'm here to bring you back home! I don't want my little brother around a bunch of punks!" He yelled at Mikey.

"Well you don't know them like I do Donnie!" Mikey was said loudly while his voice cracks a bit.

Donnie walked up to Mikey e and grabbed his hand, he started to pull Mikey off. Mikey kicked the back of Donnies legs and ripped his hand out of Donnies. 

"No! I don't want to go back!" Mikey shouted.

Donnie was sitting on the ground and looked at Mikeys faves. 

"What is on your lip!?" Donnie yelled.

"It's a piercing and guess what I also have a tattoo" Mikey said. He  then took off his hoodie. Wearing a dark blue tank top.

Mikey showed him his tattoo.

"Oi, red eyes! Just leave Mikey alone, its clear that he doesn't want to be around you guys for a long while, So Back The Heck Off." M.C. said. He said the last part walking up to Donnie.

Donnie stood his ground and tried to grab Mikey again.

"Can I hit his hand with my bat" He whisper quickly to Mikey.

Mikey nodded. M.C. gave Donnie warnings to back off and go away.

M.C took out his metal bat and whacked Donnies hand harshly. Donnie winces and pulled his hand away and had a hurt expression. M.C kicked Donnie in his shell.

"We gave you warnings to back off and leave Mikey alone" M.C said harshly. 

Mikey called Emily and asked if she can take Donnie back to New York again. She agreed. In about 5 minutes, she lifted him out with her powers and went on her way to New York.

"Nice job Mikey!" M.C said and gave him a high five. 

They went back home Swift kind of died again. Mikey later then told Swift the reason and he agreed with Mikey and hugged Mikey. They watched some Netflix and ate popcorn, candy, and drank soda. They made a pillow nest, with big pillows and fluffy and soft blankets.    

Two Ninjas but one spark (Mikey X Swift)Where stories live. Discover now