|| First Kiss & I love you's||

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|| Not how long, but how well you have lived is the main thing ||








(You and him have been dating for a month.)

You and Mikey were out on a date. You guys ended up on a hill with a large sakura tree towering above you. You guys were just staring at the sunset for a while. Admiring its beauty. You were leaning your head on Mikey's shoulder and he just sighed.

"I love you, N/n-chi."

"I love you too Mikey-chin!"

You guys just stared at the sunset for a while, until a thick blanket of night was bestowed upon the pastel coloured sky. Then Mikey suddenly turned to you, gazing at you until you turned to him as well.

"Hey, N/n-chi?" 

"Yeah Mikey-chin?"

"You know how your personality is really sweet?"

"I- I don't know what to say about that Mikey-chin." Heat rose to your face. So you covered it with your hands. Until they were taken apart and you and Mikey's faces were less than a centimetre away, your noses were brushing each other. Mikey leaned in and kissed you, it lasted about 20 seconds until he pulled away, licking his lips. You just blushed and stared at Mikey in embarrassment.

"I was right."

"About what Mikey-chin?"

"You do taste sweet. And didn't I tell you to call me Manjiro?" Your face was tomato red. So you turned away in hopes of not letting the situation embarrass you more. You held your knees up to your chest and blushed until you couldn't blush no more. Then you felt a head on your shoulder. Mikey's lips were right at your ear and he said;

"N/n-chi, I want more."


(You guys have been dating for 2 weeks.)

You guys were home. You were cooking some spicy ramen for Draken, and some soba for yourself. You were just about to plate the food when you felt some hands around your waist and a head nuzzled into your neck. 

"It's almost done baby."

"Hmm, alright."

He walked away and sat on the table, watching as you walked over, setting the bowls down and began to eat.

After you guys ate, Draken spooned you on the couch as you guys watched a movie. Draken began to nuzzle his face into your hair as he muttered an 'I love you Y/N.' You blushed furiously at this.

"I-I love you to Draken." Draken turned to face you, happiness gleamed in his eyes. With a hint of mischief?

"Then you won't mind if I do this?" He used a finger to lift your chin up to face him. He leaned down and kissed you passionately. The kiss lasted around 10 seconds, but it felt like 10 years. You were a blushing manic right then. He just chuckled as you stuffed your head into his chest. You were the cutest thing he'd ever encountered.

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