|| Mikey Yandere alphabet ||

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I had to do this twice. Due to me deleting everything.

H e l p.

To celebrate Mikey's birthday, I have released this early! Enjoy!





Affection? How do they show their affection? And how intense can it get?

He's very affectionate. 10/10. He feels the need to be with you 24/7.

Blood? How messy are they willing to get for their darling

As much as it takes. He doesn't mind blood. He just wants you.

Cruelty? How would they treat their darling once kidnapped?

He'd smother you in love. Mikey thinks that you'll react more positively to care, rather than torture.

Darling. Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?

Not much. He will come up behind you and cuddle you, and snuggle up to you in bed. He gets permission for other things, but doesn't ask for consent for things like kisses later in the relationship.

Exposed? How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How much do they open up around them?

All of it. When he gets home, he'll clean himself up and come to you to vent about his day.

Fight. How would they feel if their darling fought back?

He'd be pretty upset, in his world, you love him and he loves you back. And seeing you escape, he feels like he's doing something wrong. 

Game? Is this all a game to them, do they find it amusing, watching you try to escape?

No. He doesn't like seeing you escape, you're his and his only. He just wants you to get that he's the only one for you.

Hell. What would be their darling's worst experience with them?

His smothering ways definitely. He won't leave you alone unless he absolutely has to. Otherwise, he's clinging onto you like a stereotypical Koala. 

Ideals? What kind of future do they have for them and their darling?

In his future, he wants to make you his 'wifey'. That's what he calls you. He wants a family with you and to grow old with you. And he'll do anything to get that.

Jealousy. On a scale of 1-10, how jealous do they get? How do they cope with it?

10. Mikey hates when your attention is on something other than him. He'll just smother than you, and if it's a person that he doesn't know, he'll kill them. 

He doesn't get jealous when you're with his gang members, he likes to see you getting along with them, and will often hug you from behind and join in on the conversation.

Kisses: How do they act around their darling?

As I've said, he'll smother you. Kisses included. He wants everyone to know you're his.

Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?

He'll learn what you like, and get it for you, no matter the price. He'll go on hangouts with you, and ask you to be his s/o. If you accept, he'll be overjoyed, and get you to live with him. If you refuse, he'll just kidnap you and will act as if you never said no. 

To him, you're his, and you know that.

Mask: Are their true colours drastically different from how they act around others?

It's complicated. Around the gang, he's professional. Around you, he's just clingy and affectionate. To his victims, he's ruthless and cold blooded. No one gets in the way of him and his darling, so I'd say he only shows his true colours when he's upset with you, or someone else, and is about to kill them.

Naughty: How would they punish their darling?

To him, you are unaware of the punishment, so he acts as if he's angry at you. Manipulating you into feeling bad, so you'll apologise in fear. He'll always forgive you, but if it's too bad, he might just yell at you a bit, or bruise you a tiny bit.

He doesn't want to hurt you, just wants you to be aware. He'll always snuggle with you after a punishment.

Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?

A lot. But it wouldn't seem like a problem to you, by the way he acts. He won't let you leave the house, nor will he let you be alone. He's set up cameras everywhere but the bathroom. He respects privacy, but he doesn't want to let you out of his sight.

Patience. How patient are they with with their darling?

He's probably the second most patient. He'll barely ever lash out on you, and is very forgiving. 

Quit. If their darling dies, or successfully escapes, how would they hold up?

He'd break down if you died. He'd kill anyone who was associated with your death, and grieve afterward. Eventually, he'd just not accept that you're dead, and he'll pretend as if you're still alive.

If you escape, he'll just chase you down. Tokyo Manji gang leader?? He's got connections everywhere.

Regret. Do they feel guilty or remorseful once they kidnap their darling?

No, not at all. He knows that deep inside, you love him. And he feels like since he's smothering you, and showing affection, that it isn't really kidnapping.

Stigma. What brought this side of them? (Childhood, trauma, curiosity, etc...)

Curiosity. He wanted to know more about you, he stalked you. Bringing you what you liked. And soon, he found himself obsessed over you. He just wants you to feel the same. In his world, you belong to him.

Tears. How do they feel about their darling crying, screaming or isolating themselves?

He gets really upset, he'll kiss you a few times to shut you up. And cry and manipulate you if you isolate youself. Once Mikey has you, he refuses to let go.

Unique. Would they do anything from the normal Yandere?

He's more smothering and maniplative. Because of his status, it's not hard.

Vice. What weakness can their darling exploit to escape?

He has no weakness. He'll smother you and give you whatever you want to an extent. He will always have eyes on you. So if you ask for outside, he'll go with you. And if you're say, going to the bathroom. Emma will be keeping an eye on you.

You're never alone.

Wit's end. Would they hurt their darling?

Not really. Apart from the small bit of guilt tripping, you are without a scratch. He wants it to stay that way.

Xoanon. How would they worship or revere their darling. To what extent would they go to to get them?

As much as it takes. He worships you, and in his brain, you're vulnerable. And Mikey is the only one who can protect you.

Yearn. How long to they pine after their darling until they snap?

About a year and a half. Once he snaps, he will just make it clear to you that you're his and his only. He's pretty patient.

Zenith. Would they ever break their darling?

No. He can't imagine that. He just wants your love.

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