|| Draken Yandere Alphabet ||

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Took longer than expected. (Damn this is hard)





Affection? How do they show their affection? And how intense can it get?

Not that intense. He isn't the affectionate type, unless you ask for him to be.

Blood? How messy are they willing to get for their darling.

He'll get messy to an extent. He doesn't mind blood.

Cruelty? How would they treat their darling once kidnapped?

He just expects you to accept him. Mikey will be around a lot, reminding you that Draken is the only one for you.

Darling. Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?

No. He doesn't want you to hate him.

Exposed? How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How much do they open up around them?

Only when you initiate the action.

Fight. How would they feel if their darling fought back?

He'd be annoyed, and he'll just drag you back, lecturing you on how it's pointless trying to escape.

Game? Is this all a game to them, do they find it amusing, watching you try to escape?

No. It annoys him, he just wants you to accept him.

Hell. What would be their darling's worst experience with them?

Punishment. (Go to N to see.)

Ideals? What kind of future do they have for them and their darling?

He wants a kid and a family with you. He wants you to know that he loves you.

Jealousy. On a scale of 1-10, how jealous do they get? How do they cope with it?

1/10. He barely gets jealous as is, but if someone's making you uncomfortable, don't watch then news the next day.

Kisses: How do they act around their darling?

He is fairly quiet. He might open up a bit. But otherwise, he's just enjoying your presence

Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?

He'd get anything he thinks you fancy. He will be direct and upfront with his feelings without a doubt.

Mask: Are their true colours drastically different from how they act around others?

Y e s. He's normally just only talking when necessary. When he's killing, he's ruthless and cruel.

Naughty: How would they punish their darling?

He'd probably isolate them for a while. Just to make sure they depend on him extra.

Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?

Not many, he'd just limit your freedom, he'd only force his hugs on you. Either way, you accept them because he's scary and angry when you don't.

Patience. How patient are they with with their darling?

He's decently patient.

Quit. If their darling dies, or successfully escapes, how would they hold up?

He's hunting you down, and if you die, he'll never be the same.

Regret. Do they feel guilty or remorseful once they kidnap their darling?


Stigma. What brought this side of them? (Childhood, trauma, curiosity, etc...)

The second he saw you, he wanted to know everything about you.

Tears. How do they feel about their darling crying, screaming or isolating themselves?

He's upset, so he'll comfort you, whether you like it or not.

Unique. Would they do anything from the normal Yandere?

Not really, he might be a bit more aggressive, scary and a lil bit more possesive.

Vice. What weakness can their darling exploit to escape?

Lol, he sees through any of ya' plans, he's not Takemichi, stop dreaming.

Wit's end. Would they hurt their darling?

Only a lil' bit. But other than that, it's just manipulation.

Xoanon. How would they worship or revere their darling. To what extent would they go to to get them?

Anything possible, he's got allies.

Yearn. How long to they pine after their darling until they snap?

The poor boy snapped the second he figured out what measures he'd go to to get you.

Zenith. Would they ever break their darling?

You ain't with him if you ain't broken.

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