|| Baji Yandere Alphabet ||

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Affection? How do they show their affection? And how intense can it get?

Yes. Intense.

Blood? How messy are they willing to get for their darling.

He'll get as messy as it takes. He doesn't like blood, but it's you.

Cruelty? How would they treat their darling once kidnapped?

He's nice. Just, a little aggressive

Darling. Aside from abduction, would they do anything against their darling's will?

Yes, he's into some freaky shiz. And he doesn't care, consent isn't sexy to him. He'll kabedon you and do some shiz, idk what shiz.

Exposed? How much of their heart do they bear to their darling? How much do they open up around them?

He's iffy on that. He might, or he might just cuddle and that'll explain everything to you.

Fight. How would they feel if their darling fought back?

He'd be amused. You think you can escape someone who has repeatedly committed arson? No.

Game? Is this all a game to them, do they find it amusing, watching you try to escape?

50/50. Sometimes he'll be amused, sometimes he'll just be annoyed.

Hell. What would be their darling's worst experience with them?

He will force himself on you. But only if you are being unreasonable, he doesn't go into stuff that quickly, contrary to popular belief. He wants to find the one, and since you're the one, he doesn't want to drive you away.

Ideals? What kind of future do they have for them and their darling?

He wants all the kids in the world, if you're willing. If not, he'll just settle for the sex.

Jealousy. On a scale of 1-10, how jealous do they get? How do they cope with it?

10/10. You're the one, and he doesn't want anyone taking you away, he's lost so much. You are simply not allowed to leave him.

Kisses: How do they act around their darling?

Kisses, and cuddles. He's pretty affectionate. 

Love Letters: How would they go about courting or approaching their darling?

He'd probably be really sexy looking around you. Like, he'd bite his lip when he looked at you, and he's lean against the wall like a punk, he'd also put his hands around your waist when you hugged.

Mask: Are their true colours drastically different from how they act around others?

Not really. Not at all. Dude's wild, struggles to give a shit, and heroic. We love him, and he simply can't do anything but be himself. He's cunning, and able to manipulate. 

Naughty: How would they punish their darling?

He'd go from torture, to forcing himself on you. This man knows no bounds. It's better when he awards you. Trust me. Please don't get on his bad side, cause he's got Toman, and not to mention his best friends. 

Oppression: How many rights would they take away from their darling?

The answer is eeh. Some. He's not the kind of person to kidnap you, but he'd definitely stalk you 24/7. So he can purposely bump into you. But he will kidnap you if someone's getting close.

Patience. How patient are they with with their darling?

HAH. No. But yes. He's iffy. It's depending on what you've been doing. One slightly naughty thing won't particularly set him off. But- Don't constantly do annoying things. It's unnecessary, and you love him.

Quit. If their darling dies, or successfully escapes, how would they hold up?

You can't die of anything but suicide or old age around him. He'll die with you too. Try escaping. Punishment times 10. He'll catch you. But, there is the smallest chance, that you'll die before that happens. But anyway, the real life lesson is don't fkin escape from a yandere Baji!

Thank you for coming to my TED talk.

Regret. Do they feel guilty or remorseful once they kidnap their darling?

Nah. No regrets. He got what he wanted.

Stigma. What brought this side of them? (Childhood, trauma, curiosity, etc...)

He grew to love you. At first you were just pretty, then you were badass. And he just loved that wild side you had to you. And also you helped with his arson, so plus points.

Tears. How do they feel about their darling crying, screaming or isolating themselves?

He's really mad. But, he doesn't blame you. He's more rational than the others. He'll comfort you, and tell you that you're okay. It's nice really. He just will do anything to keep you happy.

Unique. Would they do anything from the normal Yandere?

He's more aggressive and rational. All of his moves are carefully planned out, as he gets stressed when they aren't.

Vice. What weakness can their darling exploit to escape?

He will not keep eyes on you if something major is happening. If you can create a diversion, then you can escape for a maximum of 6 hours. Depending on how far you are. This man can smell those hair products on you. Good try buddy.

Wit's end. Would they hurt their darling?

Uhm, yes. Like- Yes.

Xoanon. How would they worship or revere their darling. To what extent would they go to to get them?

As much as it takes.

Yearn. How long to they pine after their darling until they snap?

He snapped long ago.

Zenith. Would they ever break their darling?

Probably, but it'd take time.

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