Chapter 1

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Nat's POV

I wake up again in another day. I stretched up and get washed up. I went to the training room and wrapped my hands with bandages and started punching.

Punch. "I'm sorry Nat, I can't do this anymore. I'm sorry. Please forgive me" Steve said.

Punch."What do you mean your going to left me?" I asked him.

Punch "It's just I...I already have someone sorry. Those 2 months of you being in coma got me so sick, and now I am with someone else...sorry." Steve said.

Punch. "YOU WHAT? after what we are you're just gonna leave me like that Steve huh?" I said.

Punch."No Nat-" I cutted him off "No, I don't need your explanation we're done." I said then I hung up.

And with the last punch the bag flew across the room. I sighed and walk to it. "Soo, stressed again?" Someone said, I turn around to see Pepper leaning on the door.

"Yeah..." I replied with a sad smile and she gave me a sad smile too with a sigh then walk up to me.

We sit down, "You know, I know it's been hard for you." Pepper said.

"Yeah I know" I said.

"He was really being a bitch back then when you guys broke up on the phone. I don't really get it why did he did that?" She said.

"Well what can you say? I was really being dumb that time too, thinking like he really live me when he really doesn't." I said with a scoff.

"No I think he really loves you, I just don't get it why is he being a jerk, anyway do you wanna help me and Laura with cooking breakfast? We have a big day since this is the day where it was our first girls day with Laura, Wanda and Jane 10 years ago." She said.

"Yeah can't wait" I said with a small chuckle.

"Okay I'll let you clean up and head to the kitchen afterwards okay.?" Pepper said.

"Yes maam!" I said with a mocking salute.

The day was going very well.

"Oh wait is he still asleep?" I asked them.

"Yeah well what can you say? He slept so late last night remember?" Tony said and turn around to Bucky, Sam, and Wanda. And they all glare at him.

"It wasn't our fault that he really did watched a movie with us that late." Wanda said while stuffing her mouth with pancakes and chicken.

"Beside Vision was with us too!" Bucky said.

"Well I couldn't leave Wanda so I did stay with you guys." Vision said while sitting and reading a book.

"Just go wake him up Nat, and by the way Fury said there will be a meeting and he said somebody is coming back but he isn't sure who it was since it was that General Ross dude who told him so yeah." Sam said while his mouth is full of pancakes and chicken.

"Okay, anyways it's 7:30 now I really better wake him up now." I said.

I knock on the door and with that I didn't get answer so I walk in to the room and see my son sleeping so peacefully.

I walk up to him, "Wake up sweetie" I whisper to him.

"Hey милая (sweetie in russian, I'm not sure of it's right, blame google if it's wrong) wake up" I whisper again while nudging him.

"5 more minutes" He said and I chuckled.

I grab a pillow then I beat him with the pillow, "Peter Romanova Rogers wake up you still have school." I said.

"I'm awake mama, I'm awake. You didn't have to do that." He said while rubbing his head and I chuckled at him.

"Sorry sweetie but you have to get ready, you only have 1 hour before school." I said while leaving his room.

Peter's POV

I walk up to the main room's kitchen where I see everyone else. They greeted me and I greeted them back.

"Hey mama, uhm well there is this event in our school where we should go with our mother and uhm we have to go on activities." I said while stuffing my mouth with my banana pancake and chicken.

"Oh- hmm sure we would go there but we have to talk about our plan okay?" She said.

"Really? We will tell the world you're my mother? I mean yeah sure we can talk mama, I love you but I gotta go now I'm gonna be late so later after school?" I said while finishing my breakfast.

"Okay" was all she said and smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Be at the garage by 5" She said.

"Okay" I said then I turn my head around to see the team with their mouth full of foods while their jaws was like on the floor.

"What?" I asked with my confusing face.

"Nothing it's just that Nat really agreed on telling the world she's your mother." Sam said. And the others nodded.

"I know I'm shocked as well but bye guys I really gotta go love you!" I said.

"We love you tooo Pete!" They said.

"Hey mama are you sure you wanna do this?" I asked her.

"Well yeah, but you said we'll talk after your school." She said while chuckling.

"Yeah yeah sorry." I said.

"Okay we're here bye милая, love you!" She said while hugging me.

"Bye bye mama, love you too!" I said and hug her back.

I was walking up to my locker when I sense somebody is behind me.

"Hey Penis Parker" flash said.

"What do you want Flash?" I asked slightly irritated.

"Nothing, hahaha" he said then walk away with his friends and while laughing together.

"Hey dude, so you wanna come with me and Mj later after school to the mall and hang out you know?" Ned said.

"No sorry, my mama and I are gonna talk about the event coming where we should bring our mothers." I whisper to him. He gasp.

"Ohh my god, you mean I will meet the Black widow again? You're so lucky to have Avengers as your family bro." He said.

"Well yeah I know but we gotta go class almost starts." I said then we went to our classes.

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