Chapter 23

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Peter's POV

So me and my mini avengers team are in Morgan's hotel room, building legos, watching movies, and playing Fortnite.

"BEHIND YOU, COOPER!" Morgan shouted.


"GUYS SHUT UP! IT'S JUST A FRICKIN GAME!" Cassie shouted, and they all went silent.

"AND DONE!" I shouted as I put the final piece.

"I said, 'SHUT UP!'," Cassie repeated, hurting my ears.

"Why are you so moody today?" Lila asked her, watching with Nate.

Cassie just rolled her eyes, Morgan then gasped, "Are you on your period?" she asked her.

Cassie nodded, we all nodded in understanding now. "What time is it?" I asked them.

"6 pm and I am very hungry," Morgan said.

"UNLCE HAPPY!" Morgan shouted, Happy came running into the running.

"What? Are you okay? Something wrong?" he asked, concerned.

"No- Actually, yes, I'm hungry," Morgan said.

"We all are," I added.

"Okay, your parents are on their way and we're going to a restaurant near the beach," Happy said, not knowing what to do.

"How 'bout you guys eat some crackers first?" May suggested.

"Crackers are bland," I said crossing my arms.

"Hmm, want me to slice you guys some apples?" she asked us.

We all nodded, we love apple, who wouldn't?

I suddenly feel like someone's watching us, I look around for cameras or anything but found nothing, then I look at the huge window, "Uh, guys, can we close the curtains?" I asked them.

They look at me, confused but nodded anyway. I walk over to the huge glass window and scan the view before I close the curtains.


"Черт возьми, он, должно быть, почувствовал это," a person said, (I am not sure if this is right but in English, it's supposed to be 'Damn it, he must have felt something,').


"WHAT?!?!?!" Tony screamed at the phone as he hung up the phone, they all glared at Tony.

"MY FUCKING EARS DUDE!" Natasha shouted.

"I'm sorry but you guys spent more than 1 FRICKIN MILLION DOLLARS?!?!?!" Tomy shouted.

"What? I thought you guys weren't gonna buy that much?" Pepper said looking at the ladies who just looks away.

"It was Nat's idea!" Hope said pointing at her.

"Yup," Wanda and Jane said.

"SNITCH!" Natasha shouted, and Steve chuckles at her.

"You know what, let's just calm down, the kids might be hungry now, it's past 6," Laura said.

They all nodded, "But I'm still getting revenge," Tony said, "I'm not scared," Natasha said rolling her eyes.

"Whatever, I'm still getting my revenge," Tony said, the elevators dinged indicating they were on their floor.

I know that it's shocking the fact that they all fit in the elevator, "NOW MOVE! I don't wanna look at Thor's butt anymore," Clint said as they all rushes out of the elevator.

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