Chapter 24

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"So, you're telling me that Maria warned you and you didn't even tell us!" Steve shouted, anger rushing to his body.

"I didn't tell you guys because she told me not to!" Natasha shouted back, glaring at Steve.

"No need to shout," Natasha calmed down and sighed, she forgot that the kids are there.

"Hey, how about you kids go and continue your dinner in our room, okay?" Natasha suggested.

"Okay!" most of the replied and went out.

"I'll go with them," Pepper said.

"Same," Laura said.

"Me too," Jane said as they all went out.

"Mom," Peter called her.

"Yes, honey?" Natasha asked him.

"Uhm, aren't you gonna eat with me? I also notice that you haven't eaten anything since breakfast," Peter said, concerned.

Natasha smiled sadly, "It's fine, I'm gonna go eat later," she said.

"Promise?" Peter asked, holding up his pinky finger.

Natasha laughs, "Yup," she said as they intertwined their pinky finger.

The others just watch the mother-son moment in awe.

"Okay!" Peter shouted running out.

Natasha sighed, "You know, you should eat while we discuss," Steve told her.

Natasha rolled her eyes, "Now you're gonna act as if you care," she said.

"But I-" Steve was cut off by Tony.

"Okay enough drama, we're not in a movie or something," he said.

"I agree, anyway, what did Maria actually tell you?" Wanda asked Nat.

"Well, she told me that Fury is being controlled by someone, and then she told me not to tell anyone because we don't know who to trust especially the fact that SHIELD is compromised-" Natasha was cut off by Clint.

"Wait, it's compromised again?" He asked in disbelief.

"Yes, and I feel like Maria is in danger since she was texting me, calling me, and then when I was gonna call her back she's not answering, and she hasn't answered nor seen my texts," Natasha told them.

Wanda suddenly screamed in pain, they all look at her concerned.

"Hey, Wands, you okay?" Natasha asked her as they gather around her, Vision holding her close to him.

Wanda just hummed, "I- I don't know what happened...but there was this voice," Wanda answered.

"What voice?" Steve asked.

"It's telling us to get ready," she answered.

"We'll always be ready," Sam said.

"But we have to take the kids to safety," Clint said.

Natasha nodded, "We should leave them in Wakanda, I think it's safe there," Steve suggested.

"Well, sure, I guess," Natasha said with a shrug.

"So, what are we gonna do about this whole thing?" Bucky asked them.

"We'll leave tomorrow morning, get the kids to safety and make a plan in Wakanda, T'challa can help us," Steve said.

They all nodded at him, "Anyway, I need to find Sharon," Steve told them.

Natasha frowned, "Wait, Happy and May are still not back-" she said, trying to change the topic.

"No, they're in the room," Tony said.

"Oh," Natasha said.

Then there was a knock on the door, "I'll go get it, it must be Sharon," Steve said.

Natasha made a confused face, "Why does he keep mentioning Sharon?" she thought.

She then felt someone patting her shoulder, she look to her side to see it was Tony.

"Don't worry, you're still the love of his life," he told her.

"I don-" Natasha was cut off by Sharon.

"Oh hey, Steve! I'm so sorry that I missed dinner, how about we just go for some coffee tomorrow?" Sharon suggested.

That confused Natasha more, "I thought Sharon doesn't have feelings for Steve? Why does she look like she does, unless..." Natasha thought.

"Oh uhm, sorry but maybe next time? We've got-" Steve was cut off by Wanda.

"We've got some packing to do because we are living and stay in the tower instead!" Wanda said smiling.

Steve was now confused as the others, but if Wanda starts acting weird it either means she knows something or something is wrong with her.

They decided to just join her, "Oh yeah," Steve said.

"Wait, why?" Sharon asked.

"Well, the kids miss home," Tony said.

"Mhm, they miss their friends," Natasha said.

Sharon just nodded, not really believing them.

"Now, it's getting late, let's go get some rest," Tony said.

They all nodded in agreement.

Once they got into Steve and Nat's hotel room, Pepper came to them, "The kids are asleep, maybe we should just let them sleep in Nat and Steve's room if that's okay?" Pepper said.

Steve and Nat nodded, "It's fine," Natasha said with a shrug.

"You guys can sleep in our room," May offered.

"Thanks," Natasha said with a smile.

"Or Steve can sleep in the same room as me," Sharon suddenly said.

"Well, I was thinking of sleeping with Natasha and Peter since Peter wanted to," Steve said with a shrug.

"Or maybe just sleep in our room," Sam said, Bucky nodded.

"Sure?" Steve said, not knowing what to do.

"Okay, I'm just gonna go see my son," Natasha said walking into the room.

She smiled at the sight of the kids sleeping together, peacefully. (When you have a dirty mind and just smile through the pain)

"Love you my little принц," Natasha whispered to Peter's ears, (Prince in English, Idk if you guys can see it lol).

Peter smiled, "Night mama," he said.

Natasha smiled and chuckles knowing that he's of course not asleep yet.

"Can I sleep with you? I can't sleep," Peter said.

Natasha nodded, "Of course, let's go sleep in May-" she was cut off by Peter.

"Can we please just stay in here instead?" Peter asked with his puppy eyes.

Natasha chuckles, "Sure, if that's what you want," she said as she lays down next to him.

"Cuddles?" Peter asked, spreading his arms.

Natasha giggles, "Of course," she said and they cuddled each other. It didn't take any more seconds for them to fall asleep.

The door opened, and Steve smiled.

"That man is lucky," he whispered, talking about Peter's father.

"But he dropped the jackpot," he said, he then closed the door quietly.

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