Chapter 6

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Peter's POV

Me and Morgan are both in science class. We love science but we're both bored. We already know what the topic is. (Let's just think that Morgan is in freshman's year.)

I also kept thinking about how to ask Mj on a date for the upcoming prom. I was deep in my thoughts when suddenly someone threw a paper at me.

I look at my back and saw Flash.

Oh c'mon! This guy really loves bullying me.

I turn my attention to the teacher and then Flash started throwing more papers at me. I am so annoyed now. I avoided the papers that Flash keeps throwing at me then it suddenly hit the teacher.

Oh no

The teacher turned around and we all went silent.

"Who was that?" The teacher said in a very serious voice.

"It was Peter, ma'am!" Flash said.


"It wasn't me ma'am, I swear it wasn't me," I said.

"Yeah it wasn't Flash, I saw Flash throwing paper at Peter," Morgan said defending me.

"She's lying!" Flash shouted and pointed his finger at Morgan.

That's it! Nobody points and shouts at my cinnamon sister!

"Don't you dare shout at her!" I shouted at Flash.

"What are you gonna do Penis Parker?" Flash said.

"I'll whoop you," I said with my threatening voice.

"Ha! Can you?" Flash said.

I can't take it anymore, I wanna punch him so bad!

I was about to punch him when the teacher stopped us.

"Detention now! Flash and Parker." The teacher said.

Well, I'm in trouble now.

"But Peter didn't do anything," Morgan said crossing her arms.

"Do you want detention too? Ms. Stark?" The teacher asked.

"No..." Morgan said.

"But-" Morgan was cut off by the teacher.

"No buts, Peter and Flash detention now!" She said and we both walk out.


Nat's POV

"Guys- I know that there's a Halloween party that Tony would be doing but that doesn't mean I'll dress up for it," I said rolling my eyes.

"Stop being dramatic, we're shopping whether you like it or not," Wanda said.

"Yeah" Pepper agrees with Wanda.

"Fine, I'll just dress up as myself or as the black widow which is me," I said smirking.

"Wait- no- Dang it, you're really wise," Wanda said.

"No Nat, you're going to dress up as someone," Pepper said smiling.

"And I have a great idea for your costume, Nat," Laura said smirking.

"Oh no," I said and I mentally slapped my face.

The boys walk into the room.

"What you guys talking about?" Tony asked.

"Girl stuff," Pepper said.

"Boring" Sam, Bucky, and Tony all whispered but we all heard it.

Steve then walk into the room.

"Hey Capsicles" Tony said drinking his drink.

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