Chapter 8

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Peter's POV

"Okay guys- please stop teasing me and just help me," I said while scrolling through Pinterest.

"Well, we are dude! But you need to tell us what theme do you want?" Cooper asked me.

"I don't know," I said.

Me, Cooper, Morgan, Lila, Cassie, and the other kids decided to perform in a band at the upcoming Music event.

"What are you even looking for?" Morgan said looking at me.

"I'm looking for the outfits we should wear," I said.

Cassie suddenly grabs my phone.

"Hey!" I shouted, confused why she grabbed my phone.

"Don't worry about the outfit, we girls will handle it. You boys are the ones who are going to organize the song, performance, and our roles." Cassie said and we all nodded.

"Can I have my phone back?" I ask her.

"No, not until you guys finish your tasks," Cassie said in a serious voice.

"Okay, fine," I said.

We keep scrolling through the list we have that is full of songs that we know, and then finally we found the one.

Nat's POV

"Do we really have to shop now?" I asked Pepper, slightly irritated.

We decided to go shopping because it's kinda boring in the tower and we left the boys there with Steve and Sharon.

"OH WAIT!" Pepper said stopping us from walking.

"What?" Me, Laura, Wanda, and Carol all said.

Yeah, Carol is here, she wanted to come and join us but she didn't know that we'll go shopping.

"I have the perfect shop for us to go! But we'll wait for Maria to come and Jane will also come with us," Pepper said happily.

Pepper is that friend who's always excited for shopping, for bestie bindings, for organizing things and all. 

*At night in the tower*

"Peter!" I shouted.

"Yes?" he asked running towards me.

"Do you have all of your tasks done?" I asked him while cleaning the table.

"Yes," He said happily.

"Good, now go to sleep, tomorrow is your last day of school for this week," I said.

"Aww! But I don't want to sleep yet, Cooper, Nat, and I still have to finish that game!" Peter said pouting.

"That Fortnite game, again?" I said raising my left eyebrow.

"Yes, Uncle Thor showed us that game! And it's totally so cool!" Peter said and I chuckled at him.

"He's right Nat, that game is great," Tony said looking through the channels.

"These shows are boring, Imma go to Netflix," Tony said, and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine, by 10 pm, you'll go to bed okay?" I said.

"Okay," Peter said excitedly going back to his room.

"I'll go and check the other kiddos," Laura said and Pepper joined her.

"Do you want some help?" Steve asked me, gesturing to the dishes that needs to be cleaned up.

"No, it's fine, there's a dishwasher anyways," I said shrugging.

"Okay, just tell me if you need anything," He said, slowly going to seat on one of the couches next to Sam and Bucky.

"Soooo," someone said and I immediately turned around pointing a knife at that person.

"Woah, woah, woah, it's just me," Wanda said and I lower the knife.

"Well, you did try to sneak up on me so I thought it was someone else," I said.

"Yeah yeah, by the way, uh someone was calling you earlier," Wanda said getting cheap from the pantry.

"Who?" I asked her.

"The ID caller's name was Green Vest," Wanda said walking away and I smiled knowing who's the caller is.

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