Chapter 26

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"Hey, guys," Tony called for them. It's been 5 hours since they finally got back home. Scott and Thor left to drive Jane and Hope back to their homes. The kids are all doing their things in their cave that Tony built for them. Pepper, May, and Laura are cooking dinner. While the adults try to solve their current problems.

"You guys found anything?" Clint asked.

"Nope," they all answered in synch.

"Why the hell is this so hard, researching stuff used to be easy," Tony said almost giving up.

"Yeah, probably we're just too tired from the trip," Sharon said, not taking her eyes off the paper she was holding.

Wanda suddenly got a feeling, she freeze. "Don't trust her," she heard somebody.

She looked around, "Wanda, are you okay?" Vision asked, concerned.

"Uh, yeah," Wanda answered.

Everybody looks at her, knowing she's not. "You sure?" Nat asked.

"Yeah," Wanda said with a reassuring smile.

Sharon narrowed her eyes on Wanda.

"Okay," Natasha said, they all let go of it because maybe Wanda isn't comfortable telling them yet.

They continued looking for information. Tony and Bruce's typing, and pages flipping were the only things you could hear right now if you were in that room.

"Don't trust her," she heard that voice again, she looks around once more.

She started to use her abilities, trying to find the voice. It turns out it was her own voice who's she's hearing? "Gosh, am I going crazy?" She asked herself mentally.

"Don't trust her," She heard her voice again.

She decided to listen carefully. "Don't trust her,". She heard the voice in her right ear. She look to her right, Sam, Bucky, Natasha, Steve, and Sharon were on her right side.

"DON'T TRUST HER!" The voice shouted.

Wanda screamed, and her ears start to hurt. They all - except Sharon - immediately turned their attention to her. Concerned.

"Wanda, seriously, are you okay?" Vision asked, holding her as she suddenly fell into his arms.

Wanda nodded her head, "Yeah...I'm probably just tired," she answered.

Sharon holds onto the paper tightly, slightly getting nervous. She decided to focus on Wanda.

"Wanda, you know that you could talk to us, right?" Natasha said, reassuring her.

Wanda smiled, "Yeah, I know," she said.

"How about you take a break first? You can help us look again later," Steve suggested.

"No!" Sharon suddenly shouted, not wanting to leave her eyes from Wanda.

They all look at her, "I- I mean, yeah, sure, sorry, something is going on with my mind," Sharon lied.

Wanda tilts her head, knowing something is up with her. While Natasha and some of the others didn't believe Sharon.

"C'mon, let's get you to your room," Vision said holding wanda close.

"Thanks, Vis," Wanda said with a small smile on her face. The two lovers walked away.

"Okay, let's continue and then we'll stop later before dinner," Steve said, they all nodded.

Natasha suddenly got dizzy, she almost lost her balance but luckily, she was able to drop the files to the table and hold onto the table.

"You okay?" Both Steve and Bucky asked in synch, Bucky cleared his throat and just looks away, letting Steve help her instead of him.

"Uh, yeah, it's probably just because I'm stressed," Natasha told him with a smile.

Steve smiled sadly, "Okay, but don't stress yourself out just because of this, don't you wanna take a rest too?" He asked her, pretty concerned about Natasha. No shit.

Sharon couldn't help but feel jealousy, she glared at Natasha but no one saw her. She looks like she's plotting murder on Natasha right now, which well she is.

"No, it's fine, I have to find Maria, she's probably in danger, Nick also," She said.

"Okay, we'll find them and fix everything," Steve assured her.

"Okay, that's enough lovey-dovey stuff and just get to work," Tony said.

Steve and Nat blushed, while Sharon turned red because of how mad she is right now. Sam saw the look on Bucky's face and smirked.

"Drama, I see," Sam whispered.

"Okay, I think I'm done for today, I still need to take a rest and all," Sharon excused.

They all nodded, "Yeah, sure," Steve said.

Sharon smiled, and walks away, swaying her hips. Hoping for Steve to fall for her. But when she slightly turned around to take a look at Steve, she saw him admiring Natasha who was just innocently reading the files, a smile on his face that says "I love her so much,". Sharon stormed out of the room.

*Short chapter, and it looks so rushed but yeah, ill try to make it more interesting*

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