BROEKEN!!!!!!💔💔💔💔💔 (part idk please god absolve me of my sins)

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the shrill shrieks of my alarm clock accompanied by the heavy rain against my window violently pulled me out of my sleep.
Groaning, i slap my hand against my nightstand a few times without looking before hitting snooze on my clock.
Friday. 7:00am.

Given the events from yesterday I really cannot pull myself into the idea attending school today. Maybe next time I should sing 'I Don't Love You' or 'Sarcasm', maybe that'll get everyone to stop picking on me🥺
I swing my legs off my bed like a graceful swan and stare down at my floor in sorrow💔💔
I don't want to draw attention to myself so instead I choose the blandest clothes in my closet.
A white shirt, jeans, a brown book bag and a headband for my chestnut hair🥺

anyway, i slowly come down the stairs, gently tucking my hair behind my ear like debby ryan.

"hey, mom..." i quietly say, looking down and blinking.

"uh, hey honey? how come you're up so early and wearing such thin clothing?"

"i don't know mom, i just..." i blink some more and twitch my head as i put my hair behind my ear again. "i wanna move home. to forks. in washington."

"why the fuck would be nice to washington when it's perfectly fine in colorado?😐" my mom replies, not getting it.

"you know what it's- it's fine it's fine." I say, gently opening the front door

"oh honey!!! honey! make sure you take a coat, it's raining!" she yells after me
I breathe in through my nose and look up.
"I know." I say. "Its what makes us feel alive!🥺" I yell before running out the house and circling around in the rain, moving my arms to the sky and giggling!🥺🥺

"Jesus fucking christ." I hear my mom sigh as she closes the door.

I make my way down the sidewalk, smiling as the cold rain touches my white, pale, porcelain doll skin🥺🥺🥺

"Hey!" A deep voice yells from behind me. I don't know anyone with a deep voice?? which is weird since i only hang out with The Boyz since theres less drama😌😌. "Um...Hello?" I answer, looking behind me and squinting my eyes  as the rain falls onto my eyelashes.
In the short distance i see an extremely ripped tall boy with shaggy brown hair and goggles as well as a thick cool hoodie and jeans making his way towards me. "Oh...hi🥺😏" I say, tucking my hair behind my ear and blinking hard again.
He laughs, pulling out a small portable umbrella and opening it as he covers me once he gets close enough.
"Enjoying the rain?" he asks.
Once he's close enough I notice that he's wearing some shitty mask that muffles his voice. He notices my confusion and waves towards his face.
"Its cold!!!" he declares!
"O-OH🥺🥺 i see..." I say as i look down and blink. "And um...I don't really like the rain." I look up at him and bite my lip hard "Or any...cold wet thing I don't really..." I shiver hard.

"Uh...okay" he replies. "Come on let's go to the bus stop."
I shyly pull my sleeves down. I suppose he's new, i'm pretty sure i've seen him from somewhere but giving that half his face is covered i wouldn't know.

Normally I don't talk about my bus rides, they're boring and they usually involve me staring out the window or reading 🥺🥺 but today i had this new kid seat himself next to me and wedge me up again at the window as he tried making conversation.

"Hi! Um- can you maybe take your goggles off?" I loudly announce over his rampant talking.

"oh- i'm so sorry yea of course I can ahaha..." he says, lifting them up onto his head. I look at him more closely and notice dark circles under his black eyes🥺🥺🥺

"I didn't get enough sleep last night either." I sigh, turning my head to the window to draw attention to myself so he knows how broken i am🥺💔

"Maybe you and I can catch some sleep together sometime?" he replies, still staring at me. I brush that comment off because nobody has ever flirted with me before and I have just met this kid and that was also the creepiest way anyone has ever said to me tbh 😐
He ignores the fact I ignored him and continues rambling on and on about stuff I can barely understand as i'm pushed super far up against the window.

He ditched me once we arrived at school, one second he was behind me and the next he was gone.
But of course, everyone abandons me i'm used to it 🥺💔💔💔
I push open the door of my first period class, english, and take my seat at the far back staring out the window into the cold, rainy morning.
I'm snapped out of my trance when a giant blonde highlight of a woman slams her bag down on the seat across from me and stares at me intensely.
"Where is Mr Pervyson?"
"Um, hi to you too?"
"Listen to me you emo freak." Katy says, leaning across the table. "Marissa is my bestie since 5th grade and shes upset because Mr Pervyson isn't returning her texts and now he's apparently missing. Did you kill him yes or no?"
I lean back, avoiding her pink glitter lipgloss and badly applied eyeliner "Firstly😡 Im GOTH!!!!! not emo, and secondly I don't know!" I retaliate.

Katy scoffs hard, "I know you might think that you can dress and behave normal for today but EVERYONE knows that you're an emo loser. Your little performance yesterday proved that!"
I slam my hand down on the table "Dont make me give you that performance again. Like a small boat on the ocean...."

Katy slaps me hard and then struts to her table. See? Girls are just so drama induced and The Boyz are drama free🙄😌
I feel my cheek sting and turn my head to the window again. Missing that mystery boy who was here this morning🥺🥺.


The end of the day finally rolls around and I stand waiting in the parking lot, the bus was cancelled for some reason. So my mom said she'd pick me up once she was done with her tinder hookup☹️
I stand near the edge of the parking lot with my headphones in, reading my fave book whilst listening to Keep Myself Alive🥺💔
I hear my english teacher yell my name from across the lot and as I turn she points to the homework in her hand, a reminder that I have to do it tonight. I angle the book that im reading towards her and nod my head.

Before I have time to turn back, a car swerves towards me! I gasp and stare at it because i'm the main character 🥺 and wait for death. Until a hand grabs my wrist and violently jerks me away as the car hits the brick wall of the school instead of my delicate body🥺
"Y/N!!!!" I hear my english teacher yell, coming towards me "Oh my God, sweetheart are you okay?"

"Yea I- I- I- I just- 🥺🥺" I turn my head to where the hand grabbed me but theres nobody there. must just be my quirkyness acting up🥺

"Oh my fucking God, who was that in the car????" my english teacher shrieks

The left (??? idk the side that yall americans drive on) door of the wreckage opens and my mom emerges in a down and lingerie, liquor in her hand. She burps and giggles "Sorry sw-eetie! Got a little d-d-drunk! on my hookup!🥴"

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