Part 1: The Deal

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A/N this is supposed to be cringy as fuck

Hi my name is alyssa denotim, I'm 13, i like in this small shitty ass town, with my mother who quite frankly hates my guts.

Part 1:

I start crying while getting dressed. I put on a nice black skirt with a black iron maiden tee
I yell "i-im coming"
I pack my suitcase full of things i might need
I go downstairs while i wait for the guy my mom is selling me to to come

-30 minutes later-

I hear the door open and i get scared
This guy with a sleek black leather jacket, nice shoes and hot eyes walks in the door, my mom shoves me over in his direction and he grabs me, asking me if im ok
I respond quietly "N-no"
The man leaves the money on the table and shuts the dor
He then says "is that usually how your mom treats you?" I then say "yeah.. she always abused me since i was little"
He then pulls me into a hug and says "hey hey its gonna be ok dont cry"
I do feel better afterwards
We pull up to this big mansion and he opens the car door, i slide out of the car door, almost falling in the process. We get in the house and its so huge! It has a big stairway leading upstairs too! He shows me to my room and its so nice, "ill leave you in here for a bit so you can get your room setup" he says, i thank him and sit on the bed thinking of what to do with my room. I find some cool posters in a box so i decide to put one up, it says "stp" must be an acronym for something, i put my clothes in the empty dresser beside my bed and notice theres a tv in here, i turn it on and the news is playing, so i guess that'll be some background noise, i check the clock and its already 6pm, i hear footsteps coming up the stairs, the guy walks in, "hey, just thought i should let you know dinners ready." I say "thanks, i never asked you for your name though" he then says "oh thats my bad, im Scott" i ask him whats for dinner and he says "i threw some pizza in the oven, hope you like pepperoni" i say "i love pepperoni! Its actually my favorite" he then says "well perfect, come down whenever you're ready" i told him id be down in a second, im glad that I at least dont have to deal with my mom abusing me, i plug my phone in and go downstairs, i grab a plate and 2 slices, i sit at the table and eat the pizza, it was pretty good, afterwards i look around the house looking for anything interesting to do, i go into the living room but its pretty bland, i check out the kitchen and its really nice, it has marble counter tops and nice black wood cabinets, i go upstairs and check around, just a bathroom, my bedroom, a room that i assume is Scott's, and a spare room, i go back to my room and plop onto my bed, i go on youtube for a little bit and decide to search up stp for the fun of it, i find a video and decide to play it, then i find out holy shit! Thats Scott, i decide to not bring it up to avoid being awkward, but goddamn they're good! I check the clock and its already 11pm, i go downstairs to find scott and let him know im gonna head to bed, he says "alright, have a good sleep" i thank him and go back upstairs, i get ready for bed and shut the lights off, im curious to see how my new life will go, will it be nice living with a famous person? Or will something go wrong? I guess we'll find out.

[Word count: 719]
To be continued ig

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