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IV: Sour

I held Dinah's hair back into a ponytail as she pukes her guts out into the toilet in the club bathroom

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I held Dinah's hair back into a ponytail as she pukes her guts out into the toilet in the club bathroom. She made me go out with her and Indie to a new club that recently opened near her place. Indie and her girlfriend Syd were quite the drinkers but Dinah couldn't keep up.

"It's okay, let it all out." I say and she groaned wiping her mouth with the napkin I handed her. I helped her wobble to her feet in her heels.

"The room is spinning El." she laughed as I struggled to help her walk, she was quite heavy. I opened the door to see Chris waiting by the door where we had left him, he frowned at my best-friends state before pulling her towards him when he noticed me struggling.

"Dinah baby you are such a lightweight." He says chuckling lightly afterward. Chris was her boyfriend for a year so far and he was also a drug dealer, I didn't exactly agree with his occupation but he takes care of her and her son. That's all that matters.

"Is she gonna be okay?" I asked in sincere concern and Chris pats my head before answering.

"Yes, but she will have a hell of a hangover. Let's get you home bunny." He stated as she nibbled at his neck and whispered slurred things to him. "Do you want me to drop you off?" He asks and I shake my head no deciding to stay and carpool with Indie or one of her friends.

"Okay be safe, El." He said putting a chaste kiss on top of my head before leaving the club with a half-awake Dinah. I made my way back to Indie and her girlfriend who was throwing back another round of shots and then kissing each other.

"El let's dance!" She yelled and before I could answer I am dragged onto the floor. I did my best to keep up as I was sandwich between her and Syd as the upbeat music thumped in my ears. Syd was pulling my hips so my behind was on her front as I swayed to the beat. Indie giggled and continued dancing, her ruby-red hair framing her porcelain skin nicely.

After about a half-hour I was tired and hot and the two of them were white girl wasted.

Syd's brother had been the designated driver and was trying to round the girls up into the car as best he could.

I sat in the front quietly listening to their loud giggles in the back seat about her brother being hit on by a guy in the club. After he dropped the two of them off he asked for my address which I put into his GPS.

I quickly got outbidding my farewell as soon as he stopped in front of my place. I really just wanted to roll into my bed and never wake up again.

Yet instead I'm met with complete shock and utter shock at the sight before me. There stood the man I thought I finally rid myself of after leaving my campus and transferring without notice 8 months ago when summer ended.

He held a daunting smirk on his face as he leaned on his white electric car that I had bad memories of.

"Don't be too excited to see me, babe." Jonas' face broke into a smile at how dumbfounded I looked. He took a step towards me and it was like my feet are stuck to the ground. "J-Jonas it's really late, what are you doing here." I said with wide eyes as he approached me. As usual, he towered over me, Jonas was 6'3 and was very well-built considering he played football.

"I figured something happened to you when you left for school and wouldn't answer your damn phone anymore." I flinched at his words staring at the center of his chest.

"Why don't we go inside?" He seethed and before I could reply his hand gripped my upper arm and he pulled me with him towards the door. "Open it, El." he said sternly pushing me towards it. I was hesitant but didn't want to anger him further so I brought my keys out with shaking hands. I fumbled with them missing the key twice before finally unlocking it.

I pushed the door open to Artemis already standing at the door but instead of her barking, she cowered at the sight of him. I had only seen her do this once before when he came to my dorm for the last time before I disappeared. I was almost positive she had gone to hide under my bed.

The door closed behind me and I was too afraid to turn around and face him.

"Sit down, Eliana." His voice was so calm and it's what scared me the most, he was always so calm and there was never a sign of his anger leading to worse. The worst of it all was Jonas lacked empathy. He never had changed in his tone and he never put much emphasis on certain words as normal people did.

He wasn't always like this, or at least this wasn't what he portrayed to me when we first met.

I quickly sat down on my couch with my hands underneath my thighs. I was chewing on my cheek so hard that I could taste the blood.

He said nothing but only stared.

"Why leave me dry hm? What are you playing at?" He asks in a monotone voice and my eyes flicker to the door before wandering back to him.

"Don't get stupid." He caught me before I could even plan it out in my head.

I didn't want to tell him that I knew about him being diagnosed as a psychopath, I'm sure he was aware of his condition. When he did all those things I hadn't realized how wrong they were, how mentally and emotionally draining he was. When I found out it all made sense, he had studied me down to my mannerisms. He mimicked emotion and preyed on my naïvety.

"Jonas you're scaring me, please." I felt so small around him.

"Stop being dramatic I haven't even done anything yet." He sighs out as if he's annoyed. I had to remember he didn't care.

Just to my luck, there was a hard knock at the door making me jump, Jonas eyes me before going to answer it. When he swung the door open it was Syd's brother holding my purse on one hooked finger. He sized Jonas up and then looked past him locking eyes with me.

"Who are you?" He asks seeing the panic written over my face and Jonas puts on his best act.

"I'm El's boyfriend, I really appreciate you bringing her home safely. I got caught up at work and couldn't exactly tag along." He says and I could tell he wasn't buying it.

"I wasn't aware Eliana had a boyfriend, but Dinah will be over shortly El." He says and at first, I'm confused until I realized what he was doing.

"You're having company baby?" Jonas' smile faltered when his face turned my way.

"Yes, Dinah wanted to spend the night with Sammy, she's doing my hair." I lie and he nods.

"Okay. Well, thanks again." Jonas takes the bag from him and shuts the door. His footsteps are slow and taunting as he approaches me. When his feet are in front of mines I refuse to look up. He forced my chin up to look at him as he bent down, his breath fanning my face.

"I'll be back, and I suggest you unblock my number." He says and his eyes flickered down to my lips before he let me go. He ran his hand over my hair before making his way out of the door.


What ya'll think Jonas is gonna do?

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