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XXVII: Fair Trade

After staying with my mom and Mateo trying to convince me to have sex with him for the past two days, we had to leave

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After staying with my mom and Mateo trying to convince me to have sex with him for the past two days, we had to leave.

Kenzi was waking up.

It was hard saying bye to my mom as usual, I never really knew when her respiratory system would act up and she lived alone. I was scared one day she wouldn't pick up the phone.

When we landed back in New York it was morning and raining heavily outside. "Be careful, Neonata." Mateo tightly gripped my upper arm catching me after nearly slipping.

I held his hand the rest of the way to the door and he opened it for me. I didn't wait for him as I ran up the stairs and towards Kenzi's room. When I opened it Enzo and Elise were inside with an alert Kenzi. His dull eyes looked back at me as I stared back at him, relieved.

"You're awake." Is all I can manage to say and he responded blandly, "Obviously." His voice was hoarse.

I nodded expecting nothing less of him. "Don't let him fool you, you were the first person he asked about when he woke up." Elise says.

"Let's leave them for a little bit." Enzo nudged Elise towards the exit and she scolded him but obliged. When we were alone the door closed behind me. "Are you feeling okay?" I asked but immediately regret it figuring it was a dumb question.

"Yeah considering I pretty much slept through the hard part... but I could still feel the pain." He sighs looking towards me. "I'm just really glad you're okay, I really appreciate what you did, I probably would've died." I say and he doesn't reply. I turn to leave.

"I heard everything." He says making me stop in my tracks, I didn't think he could hear me much less remember anything happening in his comatose state. When the Doctor would do tests on his awareness he never responded.

"You're consistent crying and telling me about gossip in the house was pretty torturing. Well... not as torturing as Bea singing Frozen to me every goddamn morning." He placed specific emphasis on the end. I laughed lightly. "I'm sorry this happened to you." I say and Kenzi rolls his eyes.

"Please save the pity and sad eyes, my mother gave me enough of that." I know he seemed mean but he was a little amusing.

"Surprised I'm still alive after getting you into that crash, my cousin seems to really like you." , " I may have stopped him from smothering you." I joke and he laughed but quickly stopped. I made him laugh.

"Kenzi?" I heard Bianca's voice behind us and she was standing in the doorway. He groans in what looks like annoyance and she runs over to nearly knocking me over in the process. "Please get her off me." Kenzi's muffled voice yelled underneath Bianca's bone crushing hug.

I felt the vibration of my cellphone and Dinah's name flashed across the screen. I quickly walked out and answered.

"Hello?" , "How are you feeling?" She asks and I could hear the subtle cartoons playing in the back.

"Hey, I'll talk to you about that later, just to be safe. But don't text anything we said about him or what's going on." I say and she agrees.

"El you're scaring me, is he hurting you?" Dinah sounded worried, I know I'd said this exact thing when I was with Jonas. "No! Nothing like that, I just really have some things to figure out and this is very serious for... for my health. There's a lot going on here and I'm scared it's making things worse." I was on the brink of tears.

"Okay, just keep in contact. I don't want to lose you again, you're my best friends and my sons God mother." She says and we exchange 'I love you's' and then we hang up.

Dinah 💅🏽: Don't forget about my birthday bitch!

I laughed at the text she sent immediately after hanging up reminding me to ask Mateo about it.

"You okay." I jumped not realizing Enzo was standing quite closely to me and I hadn't even heard him. "I'm, uh yeah." I say catching his different colored eyes, he looked concerned.


"Uh excuse me." I start to walk off towards our room, when I make it inside I see an overly excited Bea in Mateo's arms. She sees me and her eyes light up.

"Eliana!" She wiggled out of her dads grasp letting him drop her to her feet and ran over to me. I met her halfway for a hug.

"Hey Bea, how was it looking after your uncle Ken?" I used the nickname she referred to him as. Uncle Ken and uncle Zo, for such brutal men those nicknames were the cutest.

"I helped Elise with everything and sang 'Do you want to build a snowman' to him every morning, he loved it." I giggled considering he had just told me it was torture but she meant well.

"Good he told me he loved it. You should sing him another." I suggest and she agrees running out of the room. "She really likes you." Mateo says lowly as I shut the door.

"Yeah I'm trying, never really been great around kids." I admit. "Well you'll get better in due time, I'm honestly surprised you've been okay without being on any form of protection." My blood ran cold, he couldn't know.

Relax Eliana.

"Haha yeah I know." I mentally facepalm realizing how bad of a liar I really am.

Thankfully he brushed it off.

You are a terrible person.

After taking a quick shower together we were in bed. I laid on Mateo's chest, he was running his hand over my plaited hair. I was really feeling the guilt of keeping my reproductive and health history away from him. I was a hypocrite... thinking back I dropped the fact that he had a child so quick because of my guilty conscience. I was mentally thanking Iris for being able to give him a child, I feel Bea really bought me some to think of a way to break it to him.

"Dinah is having her birthday party soon and we usually spend the night together the night before, I never miss it." I listened closely to his steady heartbeat and waited for him to speak.

"El I don't know if that's a good idea." He sighs moving his hand down to rub my back. "But I don't want her to get the wrong idea and I know how much she means to you so we can make something work." I smile and lift my head to place a kiss to his lips. "Please no bodyguards or spies. I just want to have a good time. I don't want a babysitter." Mateo groans and rolls his eyes as if he were already planning it out in his head.

"I'm serious." I nudge him. "Fine. But no funny business, I want your phone on you at all times and I need to to hear from you multiple times of the day. The second something feels off or you aren't answering the deal is off."

"I know, I promise."


I wanna sit on Enzo's face so bad 😩.

But what's the sudden animosity with Mateo guys? Ya'll switching up?

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