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Eliana sat in my office chair swinging her legs back and forth, she was nervous

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Eliana sat in my office chair swinging her legs back and forth, she was nervous. I could tell because she was biting at her cheek.

I did get the best doctor I could find and we found out she was going on 2 months already. I wanted to be happy about it but she still hadn't made a decision yet. We decided not to say anything to anyone else, for multiple reasons.

"We just need you to tell us what you know about Erin, okay?" She looks down at her fingers not replying to me immediately.

"Are you gonna hurt her?" I look over at Enzo who was looking over at me. "No. I'm not going to hurt her." I wasn't lying, it didn't mean someone else wouldn't under my orders.

"Honestly not much. Me and Erin aren't the closest but when she started working at the club a while back I started talking to her. She usually made sure I got home safe. The other day she saved me when I was trying to get away from Jonas." She shrugged and I sighed.

That woman had not uttered a word since we tied her up. Her phone was clean and we couldn't find any background information on her. At least not under the name Erin Sanders that was on an ID she carried. It must be fake.

The only thing we knew is that she found El with a tracker in the bracelet she had on. We also know she went alone, which was bold.

"Boss!" I turned turn towards the frantic voice, "The woman, she's gone!" He says hesitantly, his nose bloodied and he had a slight limp.

"You let a 190 lb woman escape..." Kenzi snickers at the large man. "She told me she had to pee and so I let her out and she fucking head butts me in the face and knees me in my balls." I let out a heavy sigh.

I instantly regretted moving to my smaller estate, the last one she wouldn't have gotten away and would have to run for miles to leave the base.

"You and the rest of your group hurry up and search for her, I doubt she's gotten very far." I say to him and he quickly leaves.

"I'm hungry." El says lowly and I looked at the time. She had eaten breakfast about 3 hours ago.

She stands up and looks at the three of us before walking out the office door with Artemis close behind. I'd hate for her to be upset with me but the protocol I had for Iris might also have to be done for her.

Although the safest place she could be is with me, it's clearly also dangerous, and now I know we have a mole. I might have to send her away to a undisclosed location where nobody would know of... at least until this whole thing with Nikolai blows over.

"What are we gonna do about lover boy?" Kenzi interrupted the silence first. "Let him starve some more. Nobody is allowed to kill him, I need him alive to get his father out of hiding." I say and he nods.

"Enzo I need you to find her." I say suddenly referring to the woman named Erin. She knew about El being pregnant, she knows where we are and I don't know what her intentions were. "I'm already on it. She has something of mines." He mentions.

I just find it ironic that she just so happened to distract Enzo when Eliana was sneaking out and then found her belongings later. I can't let her knowing everything she does get away whether El wants to keep the baby or not. This puts her and possibly Bea at risk, any suspicion that I have a child much less two makes everything worse.

"Kenzi I need you to gather a security detail for Bea and Iris for this engagement party." There would be security anyway and it was strictly family and Santiago's people but I can't risk it. I wasn't scared, I am the most protected man in the city but I still have enemies thanks to my father.

"Enzo you're going to stay with Eliana at the event." I was going to ask Kenzi but we see how that turned out last time.

I knew she would be upset but Enzo is the only other person skilled enough to protect her. I could but they shouldn't be seen with me much.

"Okay, you should know I have a hit tomorrow in the A.M." he sighs and I raise an eyebrow.

"Since when do you kill for money outside of our agreement?" I ask and he shrugs. "Since I faked my death. Have to make a living somehow and being one of your minions is beneath me cousin." He walks out and I look towards Kenzi.

"Are we done here? I have a tea party to attend." I roll my eyes and dismiss him. It's still hard to believe that hot headed idiot is my successor if my life ended sooner than expected.

"Mateo?" There was a light knock on the door. I knew it was Iris without even looking.

"What do you want?" I ask and she walks inside closing the door behind her. "I need a favor." I still hadn't looked towards her from my planning board but felt her presence increase.

Her hand touched my shoulder to get my attention and I refrained from rolling my eyes, here she goes again. It had been a year since her last tactic.

"Iris what the fuck are you doing?" I craned my head to look down on her to see she was clad in a tight tank top with no bra, her nipples protruding through it. She also was wearing a pair of cotton shorts that looked a size too small.

"I just miss you." She whispered lowly moving closer and attempting to wrap her arms around my neck. I pull her arms off and step back to distance us but ended up falling into my desk chair. She was quick to follow me and before I could stand back up she dropped down to her knees and placed her hand on my crotch.

"Iris-." , "I knew it." Both our heads snapped towards the door to see Eliana. I didn't care at the moment I harsh I pushed Iris away from me and attempted to catch up with El after she slammed the door shut.

She made it to the room before I could closing it and locking it. I leaned my forehead against the door. "Baby please open the door, it wasn't what you saw I promise." I pleaded.

I could make out her soft cries through the door, it hurt me to make her cry. I could easily get inside but I felt the need to give her some privacy. That definitely looked bad.

"Neonata? Please don't cry." My voice was more of a whisper but I know she heard me. The last thing I wanted was for her to stress. My heart strings tugged at her muffled sobs and I was afraid this would steer her decision on the baby.

She never opened the door and I was sure she had fallen asleep, the room was deadly quiet.

I was going to kill her.



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