Part Ten

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Randy's Point Of View (After School)

When I got off the horrid bus I walked to my house and sat on my couch when I got inside. I felt like someone was watching me, but I knew I was the only one home so I turned on the TV to 16 And Pregnant. Gah, what whores, I'm glad I'm not a girl or....

I watched the whores cry and whine about their problems, including their baby. Suddenly I heard something in the kitchen. It was a pot moving or something like that. I quickly turned the TV off and sat still on the couch, trying to figure out what that noise was. My heart was pounding now. 

I got up and went into the kitchen.  

- 30 minutes later -

My house door slammed shut. I was trembling. I didn't know how I should react but I knew it was wrong. Blood dripped on the floor from my arm. No one was home, for sure this time. I sat strapped to a chair. This had happened before. This is why I wanted to go to Jordan's. I deserved this. Blood dripped slowly on the floor, coming from my chest, from the cuts. I was all scraped up. My stomach ached from the pain that this happened... Again. "Too late" I sent to Jordan. I guess you could consider it rape...

Jordan's Point of View

When I saw his face I felt like a complete asshole. Why did I ignore his texts, why didn't I just let him come to Drama with Me or even just skip practice and go to my house. I ran up to him. Why did I let this happen, I thought, this is all my fault. 

He was strapped to a chair. While his face bled in bruises and cuts. He sat in the chair, trembling in his blue plaid boxers and what was left of his t-shirt. His shirt was torn; sliced open multiple times by what seemed to be what knives were capable of. He whined and shook his head, as if I shouldn't be there and I should get out now. I wondered if I should actually leave, but then I thought, what the hell happened to him! I ignored his complaining and untied him from the chair. He whispered, panicked, "You need to get the hell out of here, hurry!" I shook my head no and I said, "We both need to get out of here first, do you need anything from here?" He grabbed his phone from the floor, and threw on his pants which had blood stains on them and said, "Let's go!" He sounded so scared, as if we were about to jump the border. I pulled him by his hand out of his house and into my brothers car. Mike and Cheryl were scared to death because of the way Randy appeared. I said, "We need to get home ASAP." Mike was most worried about his seats getting blood stains I think, but anyway. I looked at him. He look down at the car floor, with his arms wrapped around himself. I honestly had no idea what had happened, but I needed to know. I poked him, in a spot where I couldn't see any blood so I wouldn't hurt him anymore than he already is. He looked at me and shook his head no. He mouthed the words, "We will talk when we are alone." I nodded, noticing how freaked out he still was. Mike sped off and we got home shortly. Mike asked us if we needed anything as we shook our heads, "Nope" and he drove away to Cheryl's house, of course. No one was home except Randy and I. We went downstairs and into my room. He locked the door behind us, he was still so scared.

"It's safe here" I commented.

"I just want to make sure. That was horrible." He pulled off his shirt to show his amazing abs, now cut up and scratched. I gave him a XXL shirt that I usually wore for bed because it was comfortable. He put it on and sat in front of my computer, getting on Facebook. 

"Do you want to talk about it? I'm here if you want to talk."

"No not right now, I'm sorry."

"It's fine, it's your choice if you want me to know what happened or not."

He seemed not so open anymore. I had no idea what happened to him, or better yet, who did it to him.

Around 6, my mom came home from college. She went straight to the office to do some more school work. I talked to her, telling her everything that I knew. Randy stayed downstairs, so she never saw him.

I decided to make Mac and Cheese for Randy and I. Mom already ate at McDonalds. After 15 minutes of cooking (boiling water), it was ready. I made two bowls and brought it downstairs to him.

"Thank you," he ate a spoonful, "Thank you for everything, you have done too much for me."

"I'm glad I can help. I just want to make sure you are safe."

After watching YouTube and just screwing around we went to bed. It wasn't like the other night. He asked if I had any sweat pants he could wear. I gave him a pair and he changed in my closet… we just slept in boxers the other night? Oh well. We immediately went to sleep until the next morning. He woke up before me. It seemed like he had been up for a while, his eyes with bags under them. He was still cute though. I asked if he wanted to shower first. He told me, "I don't want to shower today, I think it'll hurt my cuts." I shrugged and agreed with his observation. I hopped in the shower and my brother took us to school again. 

When we got to school, again, no one noticed we walked in together. We had gym and Randy was with the cool jocks, his friends. I watched him as they played around. They were punching him playfully, but I could tell he was in a lot of pain. After they left him alone he went into the bathroom. He texted me, "Come in the bathroom, I need help."

I got up and casually went into the bathroom. No one is in it because they were playing dodgeball. He had his shirt off -BONER- Ok ok calm yourself Jordan; he isn't gay. His cuts were bleeding where they had punched him. I gasped and looked in my gym bag. I had some cleaning cut spray or whatever. I said, "Hold on," I quickly sprayed it on his stomach as he tensed from the cold sting. I felt bad, but it was the only way. 

"You should really tell someone what happened. Do you want to me to bring it up to the counselor?"

"No no no no no. Don't do that please, " He stuttered.

"Ok OK!"

"I think I'm ready to tell you. " he said.

I smiled, "Okay, when we get home?"

"Okay. And I just want to let you know that I had to work up a lot of courage to say this, but I'm going to tell you who it was… now."

I looked at him, worried who it was going to be.

He took a deep breath, "It was my ex… boyfriend." 

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