Part Seven

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No! That cannot happen! I couldn't reply, I didn't know what to say. I snapshotted the conversation and sent it directly to Courtney. She read it, but didn't reply. I didn't blame her. I felt useless. What was I suppose to say or do? He lives 300 miles away. My parents don't even know about him so I wouldn't be able to even ask them if I could go visit him. I was scared. I replied, "When is the surgery!?"

"Tomorrow." No! That's too much. I couldn't take it. I bursted out in tears. I laid in my bed, curled up-knees to my chest-and cried myself to sleep. When I woke up the next morning, Courtney had texted me. I had forgotten to keep her updated since I sent her the snapshot before. She said, "Anything?" I told her what was going on. She again, read and didn't reply. I really hated that, but it was morning so I didn't really feel like texting anyway. I opened my MacBook and went on Facebook. Nothing new, like usual. Facebook had gotten so boring. I shut it and set it on my nightstand. Instead I opened Instagram on my phone and scrolled. 

I got a phone call 30 minutes later. It was my mom. Of course. "Come up stairs hun. I made you an omelette" I loved when my mom cooked breakfast for me even when I didn't ask. 

The day went on and nothing really happened. This week was going to be so boring. 

~ The next day: Wednesday ~

I woke up, instagram, facebook. Same thing. But instead I had a text from Blake's phone. 

"Hey. I'm sorry I was such a jerk to you over the weekend. I was in a bad place."

I rolled my eyes... Then I noticed it was Blake! I have not talked to him since Sunday! 

"It's fine Blake! How did your surgery go?!"

"Oh it went great! Except now I have no left arm "

I sighed. That was so saddening. I couldn't imagine what struggles he would have now. 

Our conversation went down the drain again. He was so boring over text. I eventually stopped replying to his boringness. 

I told Courtney he was alright. She was so glad. 

The rest of the week was boring. On Saturday I went to the movies with some friends but that was about it. 

~~~~ Monday, finally ~~~~

Blake had text me Monday morning telling me to have a nice day. He was still recovering. I wish we had gone to the same school, I really wanted a boyfriend that I could actually kiss passionately. 

When I had gotten to school, I went to the gym to wait for the first bell to ring. I sat down with my friend Tara. She was my favorite. We would hang out every week or so. She was a clown, hilarious, and so fun to be around. She was on her phone so I got on mine and we sat there awkwardly for about 10 minutes. She wasn't the talking, gossiping type of person. I liked that about her but didn't at the same time. When the bell rang, I had Art. I hated this class. Ew. That class seemed to drag on forever, then gym. After sweating my ass off, I had Language Arts.

In my Language Arts class, Randy switched into my class due to his low grades. I had seen him around since 6th grade although he had never really talked to me. We didn't really have the same group of friends. He was tall, had short brown hair, and was quite attractive. He kind of looked like a Zac Efron. When he took his seat in front of me I almost passed out by his looks and perfect smell. He was one of the many class clowns. When he was about to raise his hand, he instead turned around and asked me what we were doing. I chuckled and gave him my paper to copy. He turned back around and started copying frantically. Meanwhile, my heart was pounding. He had just talked to me! He handed me my paper back when he finished copying it. He wasn't really quiet. He talked to a lot of the girls in class. I wasn't trying to talk to him or anything, but I seemed to come up in their conversations a lot. I heard my name a few times and they would look back at me and smile too. When they did it confused me.  

The bell rang and we were off to the next class, Math. I soon figured out that he had switched into that class too! I was nervous but excited at the same time. He didn't sit near me. All the desks beside me were taken. I would look back at him every once and a while. He would already be looking at me. It made me blush and turn back around quickly. 

Mostly everyone knows I'm gay but I don't think Randy knew. Suddenly Blake texted me. I forgot to turn my phone on silent. Shit. Of course I was in the class with the teacher who "hated" phones, Mrs. White. She pointed to me and said "Bring it to me" I got up and gave it to her. She, being the nosy bitch she is, read the text out loud to the class, "From Blake: Hey sorry to bother during school, I just wanted to tell you to keep a smile on your beautiful face today and that I love you! Stay safe babe!" I turned red immediately. The guys chuckled, the girls were mad because she had just embarrassed the fuck out of me, but Blake was just siting there. I could tell a lot was on his mind. 

When Science class came, I was completely dumbfounded. I forgot I had that project due! I was so nervous. This was pretty much my while grade. I shriveled when Mrs. Walden announced, "As you all know, projects are due today!" She continued to preach, "I am extending the due date to Wednesday. Anyone who turns their project in today will receive an extra five points."

Everyone sighed with relief. Suddenly I noticed Randy was in this class too! I wondered how bad his grades were for him to change all his classes. We made eye contact again, I looked away but he approached me anyway. He asked for my number. I smiled, trying to hide the redness that had appeared on my cheeks, and wrote my number down on a piece of paper and handed it to him.

When Science ended, school was over for the day. I went to Mrs. White's room and got my phone back. My dad picked me up from school and when I got home I texted Randy. He asked me if I had finished the Science project. I laughed to myself and replied.

"Very funny. No I haven't." I didn't want to ask him if he wanted to work on it with me because I didn't want him to think I was hitting on him.

"Can you help me? I have no idea what the project is about or anything. It would mean a lot" 

I smiled to myself and said, "Sure, I don't have a partner yet so you can just help me on mine and get a good grade. :)"

"Great! When should we get together?"

"Whenever, I'm free 24/7."

"Wanna meet at McDonalds? They have Wi-Fi"

"Now? Okay, my sister will drop me there in 10 minutes. See you there."

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