Part Eleven

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He looked into my eyes, as I felt amazed and so happy inside, but confused on the out.

"I KNEW IT!" I screamed, "I KNEW YOU WERE GAY!" He blushed, "SHH! Coach will hear you…" He pointed towards the bathroom door. I nodded and tried talking about his ex-boyfriend and everything, but got nothing. He put his shirt back on and I walked out, him coming soon after me. The bell rang shortly after that. He left with his friends as I walked out with Tara. She smiled and punched me around playfully, noticing I went to the bathroom with Randy. "What happened!?" she said way too excited. "Nothing really, I was just helping him" I replied, then noticing how wrong that sounded. "WHAT! I thought he was straight! 0-o" "I was… just… talking to him. Nothing happened, really. And… he is straight." I said, lying. She looked at me disappointed. I think she really wanted us together. I wasn't sure if I was going to tell her anything that happened. It is a lot for me at one time. We walked to our next class, which we didn't have together. She had health, I had art.

Randy was in this class, which was great! He sat in the back, while I sat in the front. He talked a lot, he tried to be the class clown, which I know he could be it, but the teacher didn't. He hated art, as well as myself. But he didn't complete the assignments. We were drawing this landscape thing or whatever. He skipped school yesterday so he had to take the test we had. Who has tests in art. -_- My art teacher thinks she is a real teacher. Anyway she had him sit in the front (next to me) and take the test but then said, Just stay there, that's your new seat. I was so happy, but I didn't show it. I didn't want to make it noticeable that I liked him. I started working on the drawing, so I got a grade. He sat there, doing nothing. I know he had troubles at "home" but he can't just avoid school.

Once Art ended, I wouldn't have any more classes with him for the day except for Science, which was at the end of the day. I packed up my stuff and walked out of the art classroom. I still had a big crush on him. At this point I had a pretty good idea he was raped. I mean, his ex-boyfriend, abused, left in underwear. It all adds up.

WHAM! I collided into one of my "old" friends. We talked a lot last year but didn't have any classes this year. Her name was Holly. She was your average ginger, thick long red hair, freckles, and somewhat pale. I snapped out of my thoughts and immediately said panicked, "Oh my god I am so sorry! Oh my, sorry I was getting in my thoughts." I kept rambling then she finally interrupted me, "It's fine Jordan, it's fine." I blushed a little, noticing how stupid I looked. I knelt down to help her pick up her books when I picked up one of her papers. I didn't care about what it was on, but I glanced over it to make sure it was hers. It was a math sheet with graphs on it. But something was different. Yeah it had her name on it, "Holly <3" but in the right margin she had written, "I love Randy Phillips." I tilted my head a bit, thinking about how she had just written it on her math worksheet, and not write it in a journal or be slightly private about it. I didn't know Randy's last name, nor did I know another Randy. I assumed this was the Randy I know, the gay Randy.

She noticed my uncertainty and nudged me, giving me a "What's wrong" look. Trying to keep my cool I said, "Does someone have a crush?" giving her a flirty look and referencing the math sheet towards her. I looked at me, confused, as if I didn't know something obvious.

"We are dating dumbass" she said.

I made a "oh I didn't know something… obvious?" face and said, "Ohh!" Trying to think what I would say to one of my friends with a boyfriend… "Ooh-la-la"

She still thought I was a dumbass and walked off. *face palm*

I was amazed, feeling stupid, but "smart" at the same time. I knew something no one else knew. Yeah, guys have came out to me before they did anyone else, but I mean, this was a bigger deal because, first of all I REALLY liked this guy, AND he has a girlfriend……?

I zoned out again, taking all these thoughts in again, when the bell rang. I noticed I was the last one in the hall. I hurried to my locker and grabbed my Language Arts binder. I walked into Language Arts, no one even noticed I was late, hell half the class was still in the bathroom being dickheads. I took my seat in the corner and we read some stupid book together. Yay lets go back to Kindergarten!

I couldn't get my mind off Randy and Holly. He was using her as a cover up. I kept wondering how long he was going to keep this up, the cover up I mean. I was upset the whole class because he was lying to Holly, but I was upset at Holly at the same time for calling me a dumbs.


As I got to class, my teacher said, "You're late"

I felt like saying, "no shit!" But I continued to take my seat as she filled out a late pass..., bitch.

Math went smoothly I guess. Randy and I sat across the room from each other so we didn't really talk. I felt him looking at me a few times but I didn't look at him. We took notes the whole class. Then the bell rang.

I felt sick and excited at the same time. My stomach was killing me, as well as my head now. I darted to the nurse to get some medicine and went to Social Studies. I was late, again. I walked in and sat down, not acknowledging the teacher and pulled out my papers like nothing happened. I could feel her eyebrow raise while she watched the back of my head. She was alright, so she didn't take a late pass. Two more late passes and I'll have detention.

The rest of the day wasn't important and a blur. Once the last bell rang, everyone flooded the halls. It was kind of annoying, did they not notice we were not going to be late. Ugh people piss me the fuck off. Anyway, I looked over the crowd, I searched for Randy. I wanted to make sure he was alright. I wasn't sure if he was going home with me or not. Of course I wanted him to come home with me.

I spotted him, I walked fast through the crowd, going the opposite way everyone else was. Then I noticed he was his popular friends... I hid my face quickly and turned to the library. My objective was so his friends didn't see me. I got that part. He saw me. The librarian said, "Whataya want?" Being the bitch she is. "I'm just looking for a book" She nodded and continued typing on her computer.

As the crowd in the hall passed to go to buses, Randy left with his friends, so I knew he wouldn't come back. I felt a piece of my heart break off as I swallowed it into my stomach. I waved bye to the librarian and slipped out of the library. I looked at the ground as I felt like I died. Why did I care so much about him. He's just a gay boy. That is perfect. Beautiful. Special. Agh stop it Jordan. He doesn't want you. I walked out to parent pickup, which was the opposite way from buses. I felt an anger in me, but whatever. I texted my mom, "Come pick me up"

I talked and laughed a bit with some of the accepting popular people at the parent pickup waiting line. I got a text from Randy: "Where are you?" "Parent pickup why?"

He didn't reply, I shrugged it off and continued the conversation with the popular people. A few minutes later, still waiting for mom, I was hit gently on the back.

I turned around and saw it was Randy. I smiled, in somewhat relief, and said hey. He gave me a big hug... Which was completely unexpected. Everyone gasped as they saw how delighted he was to hug me I guess. I wasn't sure why he was doing this. I felt like the moment went in slow motion. I felt like someone finally liked me somewhat. So many thoughts soared through my mind as he was still holding me. Did he not notice everyone was there and watching, better yet gasping?! Well he must, I mean seriously. Does it want this to be out? Him being gay? I couldn't help but continue to hold him back, he obviously wanted this to happen. I was expecting to hear a various number of names, but everyone was so shocked, and he was so popular too so it was unforeseen.

The hug broke by him letting go slowly. I was still a bit confused... Did he want this out? I gave him the confused look I had in my mind, as he pointed to my moms car, "Our ride is here" I heard him say.

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