Part Six

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It was Monday morning around 8am. Fall Break! Yay. Not really. I didn't have any fun plans over the break. Hopefully something fun would come up. I looked at my phone. Courtney had texted me late last night, "WHAT WERE YOU THINKING? HOW CAN YOU GO AND BREAK A GUYS HEART LIKE THAT?" I sighed and rolled my eyes.

"What did he tell you?"

After an hour of arguing and sorting things out, she was now mad at Blake. Which made sense, because I was pissed at him too. It wouldn't of bothered me so much but when he started calling me names, that is my weakness.

She asked me if I wanted to hang out at her house. I said, "Sure, my mom will take me over there around 1, k?"

Courtney was so pretty. She was so hipster too. I loved hipster people. They made me happy. I got to her house and we talked for 30 minutes or so. Just catching up. We legit hadn't talked in months. Her mom knocked on her bedroom door. She peeked in and said "Are you guys hungry?" I looked at Courtney, to make sure she was gonna say yes first, didn't want to be rude. I nodded a yes because I had not eaten lunch yet, and for breakfast I had a granola bar. Courtney's mom said, "How about hotdogs?" We agreed again and she was off to the kitchen.

Courtney grabbed her little netbook and opened it. God did I hate these things, you can barely move the mouse. She hopped on Facebook and YouTube. We watched some Jenna Marbles and judged sluts on Facebook for about 15 minutes, then Courtney's mom was back with, as promised, hotdogs! Courtney cut hers up and dipped it in hot sauce. I thought it was kind of weird, but I tried it and it was pretty decent. As we ate we watched 90210 on Netflix. When we finished, we watched the rest of the episode we were watching. Courtney grabbed her Netbook again and decided to pull up YouNow. This website was so popular. It was like live shows, but with judges. So you had to be interesting to stay on. We clicked on the LGBT channel. It was some boring lesbian. Courtney asked me if I wanted to go live on the Intro channel, which is like beginners. My face lit up. I had a YouTube channel and made videos regularly, so yeah I wanted to! But I was so glad because my friends usually didn't want to be associated with a camera what-so-ever.

We went live and someone in the chat suggested Prank-calling. We thought, what the heck. The next hour or so we talked with the friendly people in the chat, prank-called, and just had fun on YouNow. After we were voted off of YouNow, we watched some random popular videos on the homepage of YouTube. While we were watching a Gangnam Style remake, Blake texted me.

Blake and I had not talked since the movies. The text read, "Jordan, this is Blake's mom. Blake was walking home from the gas station last night. He was hit by a car, " At that moment I whispered not wanting to disturb the video that Courtney was still watching, "Oh my god." Courtney heard me, "What?" she asked. I ignored her and kept reading the long text message, "Doctors said he had been drinking. He has a few cuts and scars but his arm is currently in a sling. I texted you because you are in his Favorites contact list. I will keep you updated!" By the time I finished reading the text, Courtney was tugging on my shoulder asking, "What?!" repeatedly. I guess she noticed my tone when I said, "Oh my god."

I handed her my phone, my eyes were tearing up. She read it faster than I did. She hugged me awkwardly since we were both sitting down. I said trembling, "I was in his Favorites…" Courtney seemed angry and remarked back, "He didn't die. Calm down!"

I replied to Blake's mom, on Blake's number. "Thank you so much!" I said thankfully, "This truly means a lot. Tell Blake I said, 'Never give up. I do care about you, even though you don't text me while you are in the hospital.' Please keep me updated! Thanks again."

My mom called me to tell em she was on her way to pick me up. I sighed deeply, said OK, and hung up. Courtney and I sat silently on the edge of her bed. Neither of us knew what to say. My mom rang the doorbell as Courtney asked me to keep her updated as well. I replied with a polite, "Sure thing!"

When I got home it was about 6 o'clock pm. My mom had made Macaroni and Cheese. I wasn't hungry, I was too worried about Blake to eat. Blake's mom had not texted me back yet. I was getting really worried. I went to my room. It was in the basement. I loved my room. I am a spoiled child. I have an iMac, Macbook Air, iPhone 4S and other stuff. I can't help it, judge me. My room was medium sized. It had two dim lights in the center of the ceiling. I had decided to hang up white Christmas lights to replace the ceiling lights. I loved them.

I got bored, still worried about Blake, then suddenly I got a text from Blake's phone. 

"Jordan, Blake is feeling a lot better, but there is bad news," My heart dropped. What possibly could happen? "They must amputate his right arm."

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