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Finally Langa was released from the hospital. As promised Reki and Langa were going on their ice cream date. It was just a simple yet cute idea. After all it would take off the event that occurred not to long ago.

Reki arrived at Langa's house in his usual yellow hoodie. Excited to see his lover again. He was happy that Langa was all better. Well he hoped. Ever since Langa's got worse Reki's thoughts have to. He has started to over think about it. His mind kept telling him "he's gonna die soon. You'll never see him again. Never able to go on dates. Never skate at S. Nothing. You'll lose your true love and never find another like him."

His mind was filled to the brim.

Only his overwhelming thoughts.


While Reki waited for Langa, he plays some music to calm down. He made a special plaist for times like these. It helps with his anxiety. The first song that came on was Fallen Down by Toby Fox, from the video game Undertale.

This song somehow calmed his nerves. It was kinda sad but peaceful at the same time. "Butterfly taps" Langa said as he walked over to Reki.

"Butterfly taps?"

"Yeah Butterfly taps. It's when you cross your arms on your chest and tap back and fourth. You breathe in and out with the taps. It helps me calm down when I'm anxious. "

Reki crossed his arms and began to tap. It did kinda calm him down. Mostly when he saw Langa come out, but the taps did work.

"How'd you know I was anxious?"

"Mostly the tapping of your foot and the biteing of your thumb,"


"Well I'm less anxious now that your here! Let's go get some ice cream!"

That said they grabbed their skateboards and skated to the nearest ice cream shop.

Once there they looked at the dozens of flavors set out before them.

Reki chose strawberry icecream and Langa chose mint chocolate chip. They then went over the the park. Sat on the swings and enjoyed the sweet chilly treat.

The two lovers had a competition to see who can swing the highest. Almost falling off the swing, Reki swung up in the air. "It feels like I'm flying!" the red head said as his dark blue headband fell out his hair. His messy hair covered his eyes. He swung his head to try to see but the wind pushed the hair back. Frustrated, Reki wished his head around violently. The hair only got messier. "Damn hair! I can't see!" Langa let a out a giggle. "Looks like i may win~." Langa started to reach the height Reki is at. Reki started to slow down so he can see.

He let out a groan. "Damn it! I was winning to!" Reki jumped off the swing and reached for his handband. He looked up to see Langa high in the air. Just like at S.

He fell in love with him again.


The two boys played around at the park like they were seven year olds. They climbed the monkey bars, slid down the slides, played with all the toys at the top of play area. Reki even tried to fit in a baby swing. That did not go to well. He got stuck. Although he got out before he got TOO stuck, to the point that he needed to call the police.

Soon the sunset came. Reki and Langa were laying on the grass of the abandoned play area. Just stareing at each other.

The comfortable silence soon broke after Reki said that it was getting late.

Langa agreed

"Do you wanna stay at my place?" Langa asked.

"Sure why not!"

And off to Langa's place they went.



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