His Last Thoughts

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Langa's POV

I forgot to take my meds. I need to take them.... But I feel so weak. But the meds will help me feel like a million bucks. It's getting hard to walk. I should hold on to the wall. Reki... Maybe I should wake up Reki. He can help me. I shook Reki trying to wake him up. "Reki. Reki!" nothing he won't budge. Right the kitchen Isnt that far... Right? I started to walk down the stairs but I tripped. OW FUCK my head... That's when I blacked out. Once I started to wake up a bit I felt 100 times worse than before. I felt like giving up. I felt like I should just let go. No... I must hold on... For everybody.... For Reki.... I kept crawling to the cabnit. That's when I couldn't move anymore. I felt so weak.... I was shaking I couldn't do anything. I couldn't yell out for help. I was just stuck. Forever in misery. Nobody could help me. That's when I heard footsteps. Reki? That's when I pointed to the open cabnit. I saw him run over to it and grab all the pills. That's when he grabbed me and carried me up the stairs to my room. "Reki".... I heard him say to take the pills as he tried to help me take them. But nothing happened. They were the right pills but nothing seemed to work. I felt myself fading away. I can't leave just yet. There still some much I need to do!! So much more for me to see! So many for times for me and my friends. More time with Reki.... That's when I heard Reki leave. Where was he going dont leave me!! Please don't leave!! I couldn't do anything. I was too weak to move. To weak to talk. "Reki.... Please.... D-Dont leave me..." he didn't hear me. I was left alone. Reki why?? Please come back before I... Before.... I.... Leave....

His sickness finally caught up to him. And he couldn't say by to his LoverBoy

(MR LOVER MAN STARTED PLAYING I'M CRYING!!! Sorry for another short chapter but I'm also making another book rn)

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