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Dont tell me

Is he...


Reki sat in shock. He started to shake Langa desperately. "Please please please wake up Langa!" he shook him more. "Come on you can't die on me now you can't please." nothing.... Langa was dead. No heart beat no pulse he breath. He was a lifeless corpse now. His soul has be lifted into the heavens. Reki could not believe it. His best friend his lover, dead. He never even got to say goodbye to him. Reki held Langa in his hands. Bawling his eyes out. "Langa please you can't...you......pl...i..."
Reki couldn't even find words. He lost the person he loved the most. And he couldn't save him. He couldn't do anything about it. Langa felt cold. Reki carried him down the stairs and placed the lifeless body on the couch. His mother was not home at the time. Reki felt a sunken felling. How was he gonna tell everybody? Reki had racing thoughts. Reki looked back at Langa, he had a smile on his face. Did Langa die peacefully? That's all Reki wanted, was for Langa to have a peaceful death. Reki walked back over to Langa he kiss his cold forehead.

"Langa I love you"

"Can I see you again?"

"Maybe I can I can go with you."

~SORRY for the short chapter but I wanna make it dramatic (no body even reads this so why am I even doing this) ~

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