Chapter 5: The Hunger Causes Troubles

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Chapter 5: The Hunger Causes Troubles

The sunlight blazes in the morning, yet the temperature isn't as hot as it has been. Though the wind is still but the atmosphere around isn't much muggy.

I sit on a bench under the building waiting for Teh and Yam. This morning we study in separate classed because It is an elective class so we go to each class we have registered due to our interest. Now the classes are all dismissed, so I text them saying I will wait here.

It's not too long before Yam and Teh come and sit beside me. Yam leans down to the table tiredly. I look at her and laugh, wondering the courses they have taken must have been so hard it could make Yam the Powerful become so exhausted.

"Almost died? I guess." I remark.

"Yeah. It was so difficult! I shouldn't have chosen this course really!" Yam starts whining. Teh and I can't stop laughing at her. We warned her already that this course is very difficult, All the seniors also confirmed that but she insisted she wanted to try. That's because she is so stubborn she thought she could overcome the curse! We let her did as she liked and now she comes here and complains about it?

"Serves you right!" I mock and laugh at her.

"Hey, we're free this afternoon. How about going to the movies?" Teh asks as Yam still whines about her pathetic student life.

"You? Wanna come with us?" Teh asks Yam too.

Yam pauses for a while and looks up at me and Teh.

"Actually I don't want to. I wanna take a nap."

"Okay. It's up to you." Teh responds. He grabs his backpack and stands up. "Let's go! We need to buy tickets."

I sigh and roll eyes at Teh "You really don't know this thing called application?"

"Oh, I forgot about that. Hahaha!" Teh laughs out loud then picks his mobile phone from his pocket and uses the app to book tickets.

After finish paying, he and I walk from under the building to hop on his car which is parked at the parking lot, and Yam goes back to her home.

Actually, It has been quite long for Teh and I to watch movies or hang out one by one like this; because since we have been in senior year, we have lots of things to do, especially when we have Yam added up, that makes our alone time a bit more rare. When we was in freshman year, we were like two peas in a pod. I almost moved in to Teh's house back then, because his house is nearer to the college.

Teh's car moves forward on the road in the university. He plays his favourite driving playlist... mostly the songs that people wouldn't like to listen much. They aren't songs in trend. Before this, I almost never knew all these songs, now I can remember every bit of it.

While Teh is driving his car through the college's gate, there is a small figure of a person walking out of the college too.


Teh slows his car and pulls over at the sidewalk beside Mung-korn. Mung-korn stops and turns this way. Teh lowers the car's window and says hi.


"Bro!" Mung-korn hails immediately when he sees Teh's face.

Mung-korn, that pain in the ass, glances at me once, smirks, and turns back to Teh with a wide smile like this world is just so right, so bright for him.

"Wanna go to movies with us?"

Fuck you, man! Again?! What a friendly person you are!

"Yeah, bro! I'll go with you!" Mung-korn responses enthusiastically and looks at me. I sense something from his eyes. So weird, I would say. But I can't figure that eye expression out. I don't know what he is gonna do.

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