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"Karn! Karn! Karn!" Teh-Chin pants hard after he ran to me so fast.

"What's the matter?"

"I've just heard the juniors said that Sila and A-Po... are... BF!!!!" Teh-Chin lowers his voice, whispers at my ears.

"No way! Man! Stop shitting me! How the heck they would sneak their times to flirt with each other?" I pretend not to believe because since A-Po and Sila has acted for my short-film project, he only saw them being together for only three times. And it was when they were doing the workshop! It was for work! It's very common to spot such moments when they are working!!!

"I don't know. That's what people say," Teh-Chin insists.

I really want to laugh at his face. What he heard was actually lesser than what I have encountered. He really doesn't know what a director like me has to see when working with Sila and A-Po. Man! What people are gossiping isn't even half of what I have to see every single day. My mouth really itches to speak. I want to tell it all out, but I still have to protect my co-workers, don't you think so? One is my close, older friend, another is a younger bro I adore. HOW COULD I DARE TO SPEAK ABOUT IT TO OTHER PEOPLE?!!! That in real life, it is far more real than everyone has imagined them to be.

It's really surprising to me. Because when you want to find someone to play for your short-film project, to be honest, you have to think very hard about picking the actors. In the end, Teh-Chin suggested these two for me. When they went through the casting process, man, their chemistry were so perfect! But It was still a bit uncomfortable. Because at the first place, Sila was very introverted. He loved being on his own, didn't talk to anyone much, which is opposite to A-Po. That guy is the real social animal! He is good at approaching people, especially to Sila, which has made both of them get close to each other very easily. Think about it! Even I am the director, Sila still rarely talks to me if I don't initiate the conversation first. It's really strange that when with A-Po, he becomes a bit more relaxed than I thought he would. He dares to be himself so much it confuses me.

Oops! I meant not to talk about it much, but I have been talking about it for quite long. Do you still want to know about it? If anyone wants to know about A-Po and Sila, follow me. I will sneak some stories out to tell you that what you guys have seen, or have talked about, was only a prelude!

Are you ready? Brace yourself! Let's be a super detective and investigate this story together!

#ApoSila #WaterStone

The Story of Water and Stone Book 1 [English Version] [E-book on MEB]Where stories live. Discover now