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The next in Babyls was just as eventful as the previous one as Iruma started it off with him being chased by his grandfather who was riding on the carriage,wanting to take both his grandsons to school so he can boast about Iruma's rank up again.

Belphie was inside the carriage peacefully sleeping,waiting for them to arrive at school.

As soon as they stepped inside the classroom,Iruma and Belphie were greeted by their classmates who congratulated Iruma once more as if they didn't do enough yesterday.

Taking a seat,Belphie immediately placed his arms on the desk where he placed his head and closed his eyes.

"Geez sleeping already?Belphie-kun~"Jazz approached him,sitting on the seat infront of Belphie.

"You just got here"The smirking serpent stated.

"So? Agares is sleeping too"Belphie said,eyes still closed.

"Don't drag me into that Belphie...You're the only one here who isn't loud and annoying don't change that"The said demon stated as he yawned.

"What about Kerori?"Belphie asked as the girl flinched in suprise at the mention of her name.

"Yeah her too...."Agares said.

The other abnormal class students always thought that Agares and Belphie were going to get along really well.That's not entirely wrong.

Belphie and Agares had a silent mutual agreement that no one but them can understand in this noisy,loud,and eccentric world.

What was that agreement? Like it was said you wouldn't understand.All you need to know is that it all goes back to the topic of slumber.


"I'm Balse Robin! Nice to meet you!"A green haired enthusiastic demon in front of the blackboard said as the words of his name showed up in the board.

'A new teacher?Why now?' Belphie thought.

More teachers mean more lectures,More lectures mean less time for sleep.Not that Belphie didn't sleep during lectures.

"Yes,I was absorbed in preparations that I even forgot about the day school starts"Robin said.

Everyone sweatdropped at the revealation wondering if he really was a teacher.

"Sorry about this being my first day at school after all this time!"The cheerful teacher apologized and looked out the window before sliding back behind the desk as he states

"But I'll properly hold my classes.Let's do out best together!Yeah!"He promised and yelled.

"Sharp teach yeah!~"Clara saud excitedly.

"You there.If you want to call me that.It's not Sharp teach but Sharp focus teacher!"Robin corrected.

"I see,Sharp~Sharp~"Clara matched the teacher's enthusiasim making the other students dread about how this is going to go.

"Alright,let's get started!The first lesson is...interaction with your familiar!"Robin announced.

'Interaction with my....familiar' Iruma thought as the dread from earlier doubled inside at the thought of his familiar.


They went to the field where Robin started to explain to explain about the partnership and trust between Familiar and Master.

He called for Asmodeus to summon his familiar.

Taking a step forward Asmodeus called forth his familiar.The silhoutte of the fiery creature taking shape as it slithers near it's master.

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