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"Do you not want to return to the human world?"

Was what Opera asked to the two blue haired twins one morning before they headed to school.

"Eh...no...I..."Iruma at that moment was completely speechless.

"Then you wish to return?"Opera inquired.

"Of course we want to....."Iruma trailed off turning to his side where his brother was,only to see his brother shrug at him.

Iruma then started to compare his and Belphie's life here in the netherworld and their life back in the human world.

'Do I really want to go back!? Does Belphie want to go back!?' Iruma clunched his head facing his back to Opera and Belphie.

"If you are willing to return,it may be possible to go to the human world if you graduate with a high rank"Opera said which caught Iruma and Belphie's attention.

"Or that is what I've heard"They then walk towards the two and looks leans forward.

"Please do your best.You need to have resolve if you want to stay"Opera states as a moment of silence inhabits the air.

"The chairman is currently pulling the horse carriage over"Opera breaks the silence with a warning.

"We'll be going now!!"Iruma said as he hurriedly runs past the gates.

Belphie who was left behind continued to stare at Opera.

"Are you not heading off to school with Iruma-sama,Belphie-sama?"Opera asked but continued to have a staring contest with the boy.

"Nah I'll let him go ahead and just wait for the carriage.Saves me the time and effort"The former demon of sloth yawned as he turns and sits on the ground waiting for the carriage to arrive.

"It is unsanitary to sit there Belphie-sama"Opera states as he got a blanket from seemingly out of nowhere and placed it on the ground.

Lifting Belphie off the ground and unto the blanket seemed to be little trouble for the red haired demon.

"Thanks"Belphie said and closed his eyes and takes a deep breath before exhaling it all out.

"Belphie-sama...do you not want to return to the human world?"Opera repeats the question he asked earlier.

"To be honest...No...It may be a world full of demons that can potentially eat me for being a human but...I feel at peace here...and I pretty much prefer a peaceful life rather than a life with two nitwits that decided to have children just to be their slaves"Belphie sneered at the last part.

However,Opera,despite their face remaining neutral,they was quite suprised to know that the little human was feeling at peace in a world full of demons.

"Hm"They hummed and thought

'You are quite a peculiar human Belphie-sama...both you and Iruma-sama'

Soon the clicks and clacks of horse shoes came as their grandfather pulled up the carriage.

"Belphie-kun~ Let's go to school now~"The elder demon cheerfully stated as Belphie got off the ground and nodded to Opera in thanks.

"...Eh Where's Iruma-kun? Did he decide to walk with his friends again?"Sullivan asked looking around for the said boy.

The ride was bouncy and shaky due to the fast pace his grandfather was leading the horses hoping to catch up to his other grandson and show off to his grandson's friends.

Though all the ruckus didn't stop Belphie from sleeping and snoring peacefully inside the carriage as Opera petted his head as if petting a cat.


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