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"What's gotten in all of the students?"Belphie asked seeing all the students scurry away as if trying to get away from some kind of enemy when the ringing of bells sounded.

He was currently in one of Babyls' open fields with Sabnock when they were approached by Jazz and Leid.

"Ah not good.It's already time for the rookie hunt"Jazz said even though he looks like he isn't even fazed about whatever this rookie hunt is.

"Rookie hunt?"The avatar of sloth raised his eyebrow in question.

"Ah to put it in the most simplest way....it's a scramble for first years"Leid explained.

"Scramble? What for?"

"To recruit them for their battlers of course!"Sabnock chimed in.


Up until now Belphie still wasn't used to the netherworld's terminology,so excuse him for asking too many questions.

"Yeah~ It's something for demons who have the same special ability or hobbies gather and mingle.Like recreational activities and what not"Leid explained.

Unlike those few times before he doesn't stop and ask Belphie about how he doesn't know about things most demons are familiar with since Belphie told them he was a sheltered child back in the sports centre when they were practicing for the execution ball canon match.

"And what kind of battlers do you guys wanna join?"Belphie asked them since he still hasn't quite gotten the concept of battlers.

"I heard there was a 'Gaming Battler'! It'll be awesome to strategies from them and I might even learn some tricks for gamb- uh for gaming"Leid stated.

'He was totally going to say gambling' Belphie thought and turned to Jazz expectedly.

"I'm going for the 'Magic Invention Battler'.I wanna learn new magic...and alchemy"Jazz's eyes sparkled with mischief.

'You just want to get something valuable to sell it,don't you?' Belphie deadpanned all too used to the glint in the other's eye,that he's seen many times in his second eldest brother.

"I'm going for the 'Demon King Battler',Of course!"Sabnock exclaimed as the others gave him amused looks as if to say they already know that he would say that.

"We can help you look for whatever battler you find interest in too Belphie-kun"Leid suggested.

"Hm sure"Belphie hummed and nodded.

All these battler talk reminds him of clubs.No...Battlers are clubs.They're just called different here.

His brothers joined a few clubs too if he recalled correctly.

Satan was in the book club.No suprise there.Levi joined an online anime review club of some sorts and Beel had joined a few sports club.Asmo even had a club dedicated to him.

Lucifer was too busy barking orders to everyone while doing paperwork for the student council to join a club and Mammon got kicked out of a lot of clubs for attempt of stealing club property.The poor greedy bastard.

Belphie didn't exactly join a club back when he was still in RAD 'cause he would rather immediately head back home to sleep.

But then again,this world is different from devildom.

An instict driven demon with desire are the most dangerous of all.Belphie technically isn't a demon anymore but right now what he desires his knowledge about how this world works.

"Anyway~ Wanna watch them scramble for some first years?"Jazz asked taking out some sunglasses of sorts.

"These are recognition prevention glasses.So we won't be caught in the middle of the chaos if we have these glasses on"He gave each of them one but Sabnock refused to take the one offered to him.

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