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Another day in Babyls,another day in hell....literally.

Today,The Avatar of Sloth known as Belphegor was nowhere to be seen around his brother instead he was currently sleeping in the shade of a huge blonde demon's shadow known as Sabnock Sabro.

There on the taller demon's shoulders were the green gremlin known as Valac Clara.

Belphie found Clara quite amusing actually.Her obsession with playing with Iruma is actually quite charming....when she's not making too much noise that is.

Clara was currently telling the taller demon about her troubles with her Iruma-chi saying that Maka-chan or whoever that is has been playing with Iruma recently.

'Unfair' in the words on the green gremlin as she asks for advice on what she should do to get Iruma back.

Though Sabnock's answer to her question almost made Belphie choke on his own spit.

"Thou is only left with seduction"The blonde demon said.

"According to the 'Manual to Demon King'chapter three,line twenty-seven:Take back what is taken,take back even if it's not taken,and if it seems like it's about to be taken,worthy demons,seduce and take it back....and secure him as your captive!"Sabnock exclaimed clearly his devotion to his goal to be the demon king is what drove him to have this kind of knowledge.

"Secure him as my captive!"Clara repeated as Belphie prayed to whoever you say your prayers to for whatever may come to Iruma.


"Compulsory...Interaction with Familiars,Astrology,Elective courses....Torture,Practical Skills,Pharmaceutics etc,etc....Please circle your chosen elective"Iruma read out from the paper he had on the desk.

'The one that won't stand out is...' Iruma thought before encircling the word 'lectures'.

"Lectures,huh?"Asmodeus chimed in.

"It's a lesson where you sit and listen,right?"Iruma stated what he expected from such a mundane class.

"Yes,then I'll choose that too"Asmodeus said encirling his paper as well.

As his brother hummed in thought,Iruma turned to Belphie who was crossed between choosing Astrology and Dark Magic studies.

"Having a hard time choosing Belphie?"Iruma asked.

"Hm"Belphie hummed.

'Oh well if it's come to this' He thought placing his pencil in between the two choices.

"Einee Miniee Mynee Moo..."Belphie said before encirling Dark Magic studies since it was the one the pencil landed on.

He wasn't that big on Astrology anyway.Sure he liked watching the stars and meteor showers and all that but he isn't too keen on memorizing all the other things that came with Astrology.

Sweatdropping at his brother's actions,Iruma turned to Clara and asked.

"What have you choosen Clara?"

Clara was startled and caused her paper to fly right into Iruma's hand.

There encircled a bunch of times was Succubus-sensei's seductive studies-Girls only.

Speechless with wide eyes,everyone turned to look at the demon who owned the paper.

'Oh my devil she really did follow Sabnock's words' Belphie continued to stare at the girl.

"You....can't read?How pitiful"Asmodeus pittied.

"I can read!"Clara stood on the table and brought her forehead to Azz's in irritation,shouting at him.

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