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Phone charger: Ice is just water having a boner.

TikTok: I-

Pink balloon: 👀

Shark boy: dude...

Emophones: Wtf-

Flex Tape: ...hmm

Spicy Pomeranian: WHAT THE FUCK PIKACHU?!

Gottagofast: Language!

Spicy Pomeranian: Shut up, four eyes.

Emocinnamon: Um, I'm trying to play a video game but...YOU GUYS KEEP BLOWING UP MY PHONE!! (if you guys skipped the A/N before this chapter, go check it out because I changed Korra in to a boy again and changed his appearance.)

Pink balloon: ...

Lesbo frog: Wow, kero, I never saw you text yell before.

Emocinnamon: Yea but still, what's going on?

Icythot: Kaminari said something stupid. Again.

Emophones: How did you even know-?

Icythot: I was reading the chat the whole time.

Shark boy: Wow

Phone charger: Why should we clean our room if it's just gonna get dirty again?

Godlikemom: So then you don't have rats or any trash there. Wait, do you clean your room.

Phone charger: uhhhhh, sure.

Godlikemom: omg

Sleepy kitty: 22 unread messages. Why am I here again?

Phone charger: Because you should be.

Sleepy kitty: whatever

Phone charger: How come 2 + 2 is 4 and not 22?

Icythot: True. How come 3 + 4 is 7 and not 34?

Emocinnamon: Omg, he got Todoroki.

Emoraven: Kaminari..........what is wrong with you?

Phone charger: nothing. Just asking true questions.

John Cena: Does chocolate milk come out of brown cows?

Monkey: Idk

Phone charger: The more you learn, the more you know, the more you know, and the more you forget. The more you forget, the less you know. So why bother to learn.

Flex Tape: I-

Pink Balloon: Um...

Gottagofast: Even I'm stuck...

Emocinnamon: Alright I'm out. Bye bitches.

         Emocinnamon has left the chat.

Lesbo frog: kero?

Shark boy: ....Sayonara

         Shark boy has left the chat.

Spicy Pomeranian: ....Im done.

             Spicy Pomeranian has left the chat.

Phone charger: Guys answer.

Sleepy kitty: I'm leaving

Phone charger: Even you, shinso?!

Sleepy kitty: Yes, good bye.

             Sleepy kitty has left the chat.

             Everyone has left the chat.

Phone charger: Oh come on!

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